In the category Women's Health: Menopause
It is clear that this would be painful, especially if your job -nails grow quickly. But if you do decide to take this seriously, let's get started.
Protection. First of all, your nails need to protect it. If you wash the dishes and do the cleaning bare hands - anything you do not succeed. Detergents detrimental effect on your nails. To say there is no advertising on the balms and care additives contained in the latest dishwashing detergent, a pair of rubber gloves in the kitchen is a must. At the same time put another in the bathroom - a means for washing tiles and sanitary ware, as well as disinfectant gels also the health of your nails is not added.
Manicure. Done right, manicure - an important tool for otraschivaniya healthy and strong nails. First of all, carefully inspect instruments. How long have you washed and disinfected them? It certainly needs to be done before each procedure. Just wipe them with alcohol or soak in it. Then see if the tools are good, whether they rust.
Now, actually, about the manicure. Do this very carefully and slowly. The most dangerous operation - cutting cuticles. Push it needs to be very careful not to damage any nail or skin roller. You also need to wield a very precise tweezers. If you somehow damage a small white area at the base of the nail, it can slow down the growth of the nail plate and affect its shape.
We now turn to nail files. It should be small and preferably not metal. File nails need almost every day, just one or two movements - that will be enough. It should also comply with the basic rule - to file the nails should be in the direction from the edge to the center. Erratic movements to and fro provoke separation of the nail plate, which does not help you nails grow.
Care. Start with the most commonly used tools, such as nail polish remover. It is better to choose the one that has moisturizing additives, as an ordinary acetone too dry nails.
Now on sale, there are many additional resources forotraschivaniya nails. The most famous - a clever enamel. It cover the nails regularly, in the opinion it is a very effective tool.
Also found oily preparations containing vitamins that should be applied to the nails, nail peeled. Better to do it at night or when you are just relaxing.
If the nails are too dry can also be applied under a varnish special moisturizing wax. Small amount of wax you need to rub the nail to give it to soak. This tool is mainly cosmetic, used to give your nails a natural shine. But it is also no doubt you will do.
Excellent means of care are special creams that are recommended to smear not only the hands, but the nails. Lubricating the nail plate, pay special attention to the cuticle and nail base.
Nutrition. Nails vitamins needed always, and especially in the period when you grow them hard. Purchase at the pharmacy a special complex of vitamins polish, complete with minerals. Also pay attention to nutrition. Eat more fruits and vegetables, liver, cheese, cabbage and sea, egg yolks. Such a diet will provide the additional intake of vitamins and minerals.
Additional procedures. Nails are essential special compresses, lotions and bath. You can make them yourself at home, and you can take a course in the cabin. If you decide to try it yourself, then write.
Strengthen the nail plate salt baths. For their preparation, take a teaspoon of salt (preferably sea) and dissolve in a pint of warm water. Add a few drops of iodine. Dip your fingers in the tub and soak for 15 minutes.
Toaccelerated growth of nails recommended as a vegetable oil bath. It is necessary to add 5 drops of glycerin and 3 drops of iodine. Keep your fingers in the bath should be five minutes. They were then wiped and smeared with a special cream nail polish. This bath is useful to do twice a week.
An excellent tool for nail growth is lemon. Cut half of the fetus and run it claws. Daily ten-minute procedure will not only give your nails an extra portion of vitamin C, but also whiten the nail plate. This facility is considered one of the most effective, and the effect will be noticeable within a week.
Well, you have not changed your mindnails grow? Then proceed right now and already three weeks you will be able to enjoy your own luxury manicure.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady