In order to soften the skin, it is necessary to prepare the usual mashed potatoes, to which must be added 100 grams of sour cream or a tablespoon of vegetable oil. The mixture is applied on the hands, wear gloves on top. Rinse off the mask must be warm water without soap in 30-40 minutes.
Has similar properties Universal mask for any skin type, consisting of a teaspoon of brandy, egg yolk and honey.
Mask, preventing brittle nails, made from a mixture of fiery red pepper and any cream or sour cream. The composition is applied to the nails at 10 minutes.
Home care of nails and hands on an integrated basis. So, warmed olive oil, rubbed into the nail plate and the skin, moisturizes and nourishes simultaneously. If the oil is mixed with a few drops of vitamins A and E, the mask effect will be more pronounced.
In summer, the beneficial effects on the skin and nails have fresh juices of any berries. Enough to take some strawberries or raspberries and grind them in the hands so that the juice evenly cover all the skin. Once it dries, wash hands with warm water.
Care of hands and nails at home may include trays with baking soda. For them to 200 grams of water is added a teaspoon of baking soda. This composition helps to strengthen nails and soften the skin of hands. Especially useful for such a bath rough skin.
To hand care home brings results, you must follow a few rules.
All work in the home should be done in gloves. This will protect your hands and nails.
In autumn and winter do not need to appear on the street only with gloves. They will save from the cold and wind.
After contact with water on the hands is necessary to apply a wetting agent.
At night, it is desirable to lubricate the skin nourishing cream.
At least once a week, it is desirable to make a mask for hands and nails.