How to get the guy to write

How to get the guy to write
 You squeeze in the hands of the phone and constantly checking e-mail, in the hope that young people will write you a letter all there is? Do not despair, push the guy to the fact that he wrote for you.  
 First, make sure that it has your contacts. If you have just met, ask them to share their phones or find his page on a social network, making up for this compelling reason. For example, he is a programmer and you would like to have his phone number, in case you have problems with your computer. Or is it just half an hour ago telling you how deftly prepares pancakes, and you would like to consult with him about this, the next time you will become at the stove. You can find many options unobtrusive. If you know for a long time, try to find out through a friend, he has not lost the phone and did not burn if he had a modem.

Start more to cross his path. Walk through the square near the university where he studied. Go to his favorite coffee shop. Go on shopping in the shopping center located near his office. Try to keep your meeting looked totally random. A man interested in a beautiful girl, with whom he so often confronts the fate and decides to write to you.

Forget him anything. During a joint dinner in the restaurant, leave on the table notebook, leaving his apartment, do not remove the scarf hangers. A reason to write you a young person will be accurate. In addition, the forgotten thing he has left himself in order to restore the legitimate owner, will always remind him of you. The main thing - do not abuse this method, otherwise it will consider you bungler.

In meetings to tell him interesting facts from his life, share impressions of the books they read and seen movies. After the young man will appreciate you as a wonderful companion, it will write to you more often.

Gently let them know the man, what are you waiting letters from him, because they are too timid and afraid to write first. At a meeting coyly say that the object of your passion certainly forgotten you, just so long made itself felt. The guy you care about, certainly correct that mistake.

If, in spite of all your tricks, the young man does not seek to write to you, think maybe you he just is not very interesting.

Tags: the first guy