If you want to cover a wide hair scarf or stole, throw in it on the head so that the ends are ahead and one was much shorter than the other. Kill the short side under the chin with a special pins, brooches or a simple safety pin. Cover it with the long edge scarf.
Wrap the long edge around the head and kill him under the chin or around the ear. If stole or scarf narrow, lower it down so it is securely closed neck and shoulders. So kill him at the opposite shoulder. Pins to secure the fabric color shawl around the face - so the hijab will securely hold all day and will not slide head.
Large shawl-square, neatly tied on the head, will look no less beautiful. Fold it diagonally into a triangle. Wear a scarf over the cloth cap and secure it under the chin with a pin or barrette. Get one edge of the shawl over the opposite shoulder, tuck it inside and kill another pin. Gently flatten the folds formed so that they framed a beautiful face and neck. The second end can be left on the chest or neck wrap and fasten them with the other hand.
Try another option of wearing a scarf square - it is particularly suitable for satin and silk fabrics. On a cloth cap throw with a handkerchief to his margin slightly hung over his forehead. Carefully picking his hands around the face cloth into small folds, kill the edge of the hijab under the chin a simple pin. Wrap one end around the neck, another move to it and tie them to the side strong double knot. This method eliminates the need for extra pins and fixes the headscarf.