How to choose the right perfume

How to choose the right perfume
 The image of women consists of little things. Each of them - can make it perfect or disturb the harmony of charm. The color range of clothing, accessories, makeup style - all you need to know how to choose the way to look and feel confident and irresistible in any situation. One of the important touches to a unique and elegant image of women is perfume. How do you find the smell that will give you confidence and charm?
 To begin with we shall understand, what are the main types of flavors. The most common group of them - floral aromas. It's light, sweet smell, reminiscent of different colors: jasmine, rose, lilac and many others. Perfumes with the scent will be particularly relevant in the spring and summer. This is a good choice for a dreamy, romantic nature.

Another favorite type of many flavors - east. Musk, sandalwood, vanilla, patchouli bitter suit mysterious and passionate woman. Herbal aromas create a mood of carefree summer: it smells of citrus plants, fresh cut grass, rosemary and juniper. But do not confuse them with woody aromas, which are often used for men's fragrances.

"Men" is also considered the so-called "leather" flavor group, which includes scents reminiscent of smoke, tobacco, wood resins tart. We can assume that the group of fragrances, called chypre, also designed exclusively for men, but not necessarily. These fragrances, creating a feeling of freshness and coolness, should be fine independent, confident women.

When choosing a fragrance is recommended to be guided primarily not by any general rule, and its own sensation and apprehension. But in order for them not deceive you, it is better to follow certain recommendations.

First of all, the choice of perfume you need to configure in advance. Let this be a planned visit to perfume shop. Opt for this free time, so that you do not stop. It is not necessary to go to a meeting with new flavors tired, irritable. This day is better to give up smoking, alcohol, spicy foods - all this may not be the best way to influence your sense of smell. Moreover, even the most mild illness or headache may also hinder you make the right choice. Remember that plugs bubble with spirits - a bad adviser in choosing flavor. Sales, offers buyers sniff the cork, signs his own inexperience: it meant for this paper strips-probes. Moreover, the skin of different women same change their perfume fragrance. So do not buy perfume without trying them on your own skin, just because you like the flavor that accompanies your girlfriend. 

You can help the knowledge that any spirits there are three stages of existence smell that perfumers are called "notes." The first note, it "head", there is no more than a quarter of an hour, giving way to the second note - "heart", which can last several hours. Third, the "daisy chain" or "base" note, is able to survive for about a day. It's something you feel and where you will be offered a paper probe. It is not necessary to touch more than five, at most, seven probes - then smell starts to lose sensitivity.

If you like the flavor of the probe, proceed to the next stage - to put perfume on the inside of the wrist or elbow. Do not rub the fragrance on the skin. And do not rush immediately to smell: Wait leave pungent smells alcohol base. Ideally, wait at least 15 minutes before on your skin "will sound" music of the heart. Only then can you truly appreciate the true flavor. At the same time try not to resort to the help of other people, because their sense of smell may be upset by any stimuli, fatigue, bad mood. Listen primarily their own intuition. And let the good choice accentuate your charm!

Tags: spirit, the choice of fragrance, perfumes