When choosing a perfume note that simultaneous tasting of a considerable number of fragrances can cause headache or dizziness. In addition, experts note that after evaluating the fifth or sixth fragrance olfactory receptors simply disabled. In order not to overload the olfactory aroma, it is desirable to obtain prior at least a general idea of the diversity of perfumery products. This will help narrow down the search and quickly choose a perfume.
Types of fragrances
Perfumers are divided into four basic flavors Group:
- Oriental (amber);
- Wood;
- Flower;
- Fresh;
On the basis of the basic flavors perfumers create unique varieties: chypre, fruity floral, Eastern Wood and many others. Decide for yourself what kind of artist you like flavors - this will navigate the insane amount of flavor without tasting every bottle.
Fragrances, as well as musical compositions consist of "music." Experts identify a fragrance note, the apotheosis and train. If you wish to choose a perfume having it your scent should learn at least the basics "musical" letters.
Top notes (notedetete) - volatiles flavor which we feel in the first place.
Heart note (notedesoeur) - the flavor that defines its belonging to a particular type of perfume.
Note plume (notedefond) - the final part of the flavor, a kind of "aftertaste". This note defines the resistance of perfume.
For proper evaluation, apply a drop of perfume on your wrist and give it some time to full disclosure. Do not attempt to assess the flavor right in the bottle - too sharp initial note will not allow to fully appreciate all the nuances of the music of the heart and the plume.
Experienced perfumers advise in the evaluation of different flavors periodically inhale the aroma of coffee beans - they awaken tired receptors. It is not recommended to go for the spirits in the critical days - at that time, many women suffer from distortion flavors. You also do not need a perfume that will get you to like only three days a month?
Selecting a suitable perfume, try to pick up the entire line of cosmetics with the same scent - this will save you from the "dissonance" odors.