There are a number of diseases in which the solarium is contraindicated: hypertension, diabetes, infectious diseases, abnormalities in the thyroid gland, and some diseases of the sexual sphere. After a session in the solarium may increase and severity of the disease in a more serious form.
For the positive effects of indoor tanning on the health and appearance of the person are the following: development of the necessary activation of vitamin D3, strengthening the immune system, positive impact on the problem areas in the case of acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc., activation of the endocrine system and metabolism , a positive effect on the metabolism and cholesterol. In addition, the solarium actively produce endorphins that help overcome depression and a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
As for the disadvantages of tanning, one of the most important is considered to dehydration of the skin, which can cause burns. Ultraviolet light not only leads to aging skin and wrinkles due to the destruction of collagen and elastin, but also makes the hair dry and brittle. In some cases, melanin ends melanoma - a tumor that is not easy to cure. Over the past few years, thanks to indoor tanning, the number of people suffering from skin cancer. Of course, artificial ultraviolet rays affect the pores, which may lead to an unhealthy condition and appearance of skin.
Tanning - it's convenient, fast and beautiful. But you should always know when to stop and be careful to avoid unwanted results.