Care for the skin of the neck is recommended since the age of 25, when she had not yet lost its original elasticity, elasticity, it has no wrinkles or folds. A set of measures for the care of the neck should include the acquisition of healthy habits, regular cleansing, nutrition, hydration, and performing special exercises and massage.
To begin to eliminate the factors that contribute to premature aging of skin. To avoid cross-wrinkles can not sleep or read, lying on a high pillow. Posture should always be correct. Head should be kept straight, not to lower low while walking.
The importance of the state of the neck has to consume food. Therefore, it is important to eat healthy food, rich in minerals and vitamins (fruits, vegetables, grains). Reduce your intake of dairy products and fatty meats. Drink plenty of fluids, at least six glasses a day. But from coffee, alcohol and nicotine, it is desirable to give up completely.
The most excellent way to prevent skin aging and strengthen its muscles are systematic exercises for her. There are quite a lot of them, and each should be done quietly, without any sudden movements.
Very useful to massage. Immediately after cleansing is necessary to grease it with oil and pinch against the direction of wrinkles. Then push the left hand half of the neck to the right and vice versa. During the shower, massaging her special round brush.
You can soak a towel in cold water with salt, take him by the end of the two and bring it to the chin. Pull the towel and pat him on the chin.
It is important to care for neck use of cosmetics. Clean the skin should be every day for washing gels, tonics and lotions that are used for cleaning your face. The perfect way to wash the people's funds considered Hercules. Moisten a small amount of cereal with warm water and rub in the palms, then apply a light massage on the skin of the neck and face.
Speaking of creams, it should be noted that they must be special designed for the care of the neck, in the composition of which will necessarily include collagen.
Large efficiency is achieved masks. For nutrition and hydration can try to prepare the following means. Mix egg yolk, a small amount of honey and a face cream with the juice of half an orange and a few layers of the skin, apply the mixture until it is completely dry.
To use the flexibility and elasticity of ordinary warm vegetable oil. It is applied to the neck using a cotton swab with a circular motion upwards. After work, wrap it with a thick layer of soft cotton fabric on top of which lay a layer of compress paper and leave for 30-50 minutes.
Very useful mask of grated potatoes and 2 tbsp. spoons of cucumber or tomato juice. The resulting mixture was put on the neck, wrap with gauze, cellophane, and top with a warm towel. Leave for 15 minutes, then wash with water. This tool greatly helps in the fight against aging skin.
To mitigate possible to rinse the neck with cool water with lemon juice. In the morning, it is recommended to wipe the skin with ice cubes made from chamomile broth. When darkening of the skin of the neck, it is desirable to carry out whitening procedure as a regular wipe it with 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or lemon juice.
In the fight against wrinkles formed dissolve 2 tbsp. spoons of salt in half a glass of warm boiled water. Moisten the resulting solution gauze, wring it out and apply on the neck for a few minutes. Then use any nourishing cream. With daily use of such means of fine wrinkles are less noticeable in a week.
The greatest success in skin care neck can be achieved by means of rejuvenating body wraps with hot olive oil or heated in a water bath of paraffin. First means applied to the skin one hour, after which the neck immediately wrapped in cellophane and wool. Paraffin falls on her thick, and 20 minutes later removed with a scraper or a spoon. Next neck wash and moisturize her cream.
On the good side proved themselves hot and cold compresses to the neck. Two towels soaked in cold water and hot broth. The first rests on the neck for 1-2 minutes, the second for 2-3 minutes. Such a contrast compress very useful for sagging skin.
For hot packs are ideal decoctions of rosemary, sage, lime and mint, as well as hot water with a small amount of sea salt. For cold treatments can be used cold water with lemon juice.