Calf muscles like any other muscle, can be pumped. That is why, if you have seriously decided to take on the appearance and appeal of their legs, get ready for what will have to spend on it for a while. You're doing manicures and pedicures, and now to the procedures for the regular care will be added and exercises.
First, make sure that you do not have flat feet or other defects of the foot. If you step on the wrong foot, is the total deformation and misalignment of the knee and hip and then the whole pelvis. Many women go wrong, and is obtained by a violation of posture and ugly shape of the legs: they become clumsy or curved. If you suffer from these problems, be sure to start with professional advice and get yourself comfortable shoes with orthopedic soles. By the way, do all the exercises to develop shins must be the same in comfortable shoes or barefoot.
To develop the necessary muscles you need to pay more attention to all kinds of squats and movements that require knee flexion and extension. If you are a lover of the elevator, then forget about it. Get used to climb up and down the stairs only. This trains your legs and, in addition, strengthens the heart and helps get rid of excess weight.
A good exercise for the lower leg is the rise on your toes from a standing position. The main thing - it's the repetition rate. Any, even the most simple exercise, repeated many times, the effects of their implementation. Remember that the calf muscles are involved in the daily life of almost constant and to the loads used to. Since you want to become stronger, you need to increase the load many times and do it periodically with different exercises to avoid habituation.
Your feet, of course, should be even and beautiful. Many are embarrassed not so much imperfect forms, such as cosmetic defects as vascular mesh or rough skin. To strengthen the blood vessels, use douches or cold rubdown. This will help you quickly get rid of varicose veins, and the legs will give the necessary tone and elasticity. In addition, if the vessels are strong, your legs will be less tired and no longer suffer from edema.
Lubricate your feet nourishing and moisturizing cream after every shower or bath, because the skin dries not only on his heels and hands. Take care of the beauty of the body, and it will please you and others well-groomed and healthy. A beautiful shin, as you can see, it's not hard!