There are no ugly feet, is pretty lazy

There are no ugly feet, is pretty lazy
 Beautiful legs - it's not just proportionality, graceful knees and ankles, shapely thighs and calves tightened. The shape of the feet - only one of the components that determine the attractiveness of women's feet. Equally important are the skin and tissues.
 The most common cause of spoiling the impression of the most shapely legs - varicose veins and capillary network, the so-called "spider veins". The reason for the appearance of vascular branching may be endocrine disorders, or the initial stage of the development of varicose veins - the diagnosis must put phlebologist. Varicose modern methods can get rid of swollen veins in just a few procedures - is very effective sclerotherapy. If the appearance of capillary network is the result of overuse or tan is a side effect of hormonal contraceptives, the situation will help to correct cosmetic procedures.

Remove spider veins on the legs with a laser - directed beam acts on the problem vessels zapaivaya them and causing them to bonding. Roughly the same procedure thermocoagulation has effect only under the influence of the vessel is covered by a high frequency current. Mikroskleroterapiya - a procedure similar to sclerotherapy is used to treat varicose veins. The essence of the method of introduction of non sklerotiruyuschego substance that causes sealing of the container. All these methods aim at the damaged vessel off from the general circulation.

The choice of method is managed by a specialist - depending on the thickness of the capillary chosen method of influencing the vessels. In the laser technique has its contraindications - for dark skin it can leave the light burns, the use of laser is unacceptable when taking certain medications. If the body has metal body (staples, pins, pacemakers, etc.), you should not use the method of thermocoagulation.

Ugly look swollen legs - swollen ankles deprive you of full appeal. Causes of edema may be different - PMS, heart disease and vascular, metabolic disorders, etc. Get rid of the problem will help determine the causes and correction of the underlying disease, local methods - lymphatic drainage massage and cold wraps.

To keep your feet nice should carry out simple rules - protect your skin, do not overdo visiting the baths and saunas, anti-cellulite treatments spend carefully. Make sure your feet a rest and be attentive to your body - to change the status of the legs is the reason referral to a specialist.

Tags: leg, laziness, care