Stay slim after 40: questions of strategy and tactics

Stay slim after 40: questions of strategy and tactics
 Restructuring processes that occur in women after age 40, not the best way affect not only her face, but the figure - on her stomach and thighs appear significant body fat. In this case, before it two ways - to leave everything as it is, sadly reflecting on the past youth, or to develop the right strategy and tactics of fighting age manifestations. It all depends on what people want.
 When you start to notice the deterioration of its proportions and adding unwanted pounds, do not panic and do not try to start fasting. Severely restrict your diet, weight loss of course you'll get, but, firstly, it involves first of your face, and, secondly, you may have problems with sleep and skin condition. In addition, during the diet decreases the activity of metabolic processes, and when you stop the diet, your middle-aged body does not have time to reorganize and continue the accumulation of fat. Calories burned slower and kilograms grow even more. The best way out - reducing calorie intake in the body, and for this you just have to reduce the amount of servings.

First, you should determine exactly what and how much you eat in a day. For several days, try to write down everything that you eat. Surely the result you unpleasant surprise, but you will know how overeat and what can safely be abandoned.

Next, calculate how many calories your body needs for proper operation. Think of how much weight do you think for yourself normal. And then multiply it by 27, if you do not have any physical activity for 29 - if you at least once in two weeks doing something for 34 - if run in the mornings, doing exercises or any more exercise. The product of these numbers is the check digit for you, you should keep in mind when drawing up the daily diet.

Now directly on food. First of all, you must include the maximum daily diet of whole grains, as well as those that contain a lot of liquid and fiber.

Remember the advice of nutritionists: breakfast should not saturate as much as lift your mood. So pay attention to bananas and oatmeal with nuts. Another very useful for breakfast foods rich in calcium - cottage cheese, yogurt, cabbage, sardines, low-fat cheese. Dairy products should be in your daily menu.

To fat folds as small as possible, you need to worry about building muscle tissue. In this case, your allies are foods high in protein - meat, seafood and legumes. They should fill your meals.

Not to overeat at night, try another work to arrange a mid-morning snack. For example, a sandwich with cheese, fruit or dried fruit. Try to fill the body normal amounts of vitamins and minerals.

The best prevention of completeness and tools that accelerates the metabolism - physical activity, including sports training. Note the dumbbell: experts say that lifting weights strengthens bones and osteoporosis can win.

Tags: question, Ambassador, weight, method, reduction, tactics, harmony