Spider veins - a small spots resembling a cobweb. Their color can be dark red or purple with a bluish tinge. Most often they occur on the legs at the hips and the inner side of the knee, but may also occur on the face, such as the cheeks, chin, and nose.
At an early stage of the disease spider veins visible on the soft tissues. About 20% of children are identified at birth. However, after the active phase, such changes may themselves disappear. Hemangiomas, like any other disease in need of treatment. The sooner you start it, the more efficiently and quickly it will pass.
The most common reason for the appearance of spider veins is a disruption of the valve capillary. The entire human body must nourish the blood, oxygen-rich. Each part of the body it comes through the arteries, veins and capillaries. For the regulation of blood flow in the capillaries present special valves. Sometimes they may be disturbed. Because of this, the inside of the capillary leak excess blood. As a result, the human body and there is pattern - spider veins or hemangioma.
Thus, spider veins are visible to the eye of the capillary system of the exposed area. Usually the disease is hereditary. If one of the parents it is, with very high probability there and children. Hemangiomas can also be caused by trauma, hormonal disorders, various types of high stress. For example, an asterisk on the legs are in most cases the result of a long walk. Furthermore, the reason for the appearance of spider veins are ultraviolet rays.
In order to remove spider veins, as well as to eliminate the cause of their occurrence to see a doctor. The specialist will diagnose and identify the root cause of the disease. If desired, the patient and the possibility of medical treatment your doctor may prescribe an aesthetic procedure of removing spider veins. As one of the options to get rid stars on their feet, you can choose cryotherapy. When carrying out its broken capillaries are exposed to low temperatures. The advantage of this procedure is to obtain good cosmetic and aesthetic results, as well as the absence of complications after surgery.