Care for neck need daily. Basic skin care neck consists of three steps: cleansing, moisturizing, nourishment. Cleansing should be done in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. You can use the soft gel or lotion cleanser. It is not recommended to clean with soap or an alcohol.
After cleansing the skin of the neck in the morning should be applied moisturizer. It is possible to use one that is intended for the skin. The cream is applied to the middle of the neck first, and then triturated in an upward direction to the side surfaces.
Special attention in the care of the neck should be paid to nutrition. The evening before bedtime should be applied nourishing cream with a high water content. Also 2-3 times a week to do a hydrating mask. The best and effective mask is considered oils. To prepare krite oil, jojoba oil, castor oil and grapeseed mixed in equal parts, after which the mixture was slightly heated and applied to the neck for 20-30 minutes. You can wrap a cloth top and cling film. It is also very useful for power and maintain elasticity masks from flax seeds, protein, potato and paraffin.
For additional care include neck wraps, massages and gymnastics. For aging skin will be very useful contrasting compresses. Compresses alternate, starting and ending with a cold. Cold should be applied for 5 minutes, and the hot 1 minute. Hot can be made from the infusion of lime blossom, parsley, mint, sage, chamomile and others. For oily skin of the neck only make a cold compress.
Neck massage can be carried out in a supine position and a sitting position. You need both hands to stroke the neck of lobes to the shoulders so that the right hand was massaging the left side of the neck and the left - right side. Prodelyvat movement should be within 20 minutes. This massage can be done in 20 minutes.
We should not forget about gymnastics. Very helpful moving the head backward, forward, left and right. You can work the corners of the mouth, picking up and dropping them.