A few days before the solarium is not planning any major cosmetic procedures. For example, if sunbathing after peeling, the result can be a burn. Also on the day of the visit to the solarium not wash with soap and water. It will be enough just to take a shower. Soaps and shower gels reduce natural fatty film that covers the skin. This is unacceptable at a tanning lamps.
Also before the tanning session should not smear the body of various creams and sunscreen especially for the summer. Only in the beauty salon you will be able to recommend specific tools used before and after tanning.
If you are going to a tanning salon in the summer, do not light up before a session on a normal sun. Too large a dose corresponding rays can cause skin burns.
Bring the salon essentials - scarf for covering up hair and sunglasses. Already in place you will be given a special sticker on the nipples, without which unacceptable sunbathing, lying on his back.
Special care should be people with any illness. When taking certain medications tan can be absolutely contraindicated. Information on this can be obtained from your doctor. Should be attentive to people who have skin problems. If you have recently observed any changes in moles or birthmarks, for example, in their color or size, from tanning should be avoided altogether, and instead seek medical advice. For other problems, such as a large number of pimples or acne on the body, consult a dermatologist. In some cases, may even tan recommended for healthy skin, and in other situations it is not necessary to risk.