How to keep a tan after the sea

How to keep a tan after the sea
 Marine tan, usually short-lived - 2-3 weeks after the holiday, you notice that the skin does not look as dark. To keep the tan as long as possible, it is necessary to apply special measures - moisturizes, nourishes and softens the skin by special trains.
 At the time, discard the steam procedures - do not go to the baths and saunas. Under the influence of steam cleaned pores intense and tan fades quickly. Also, try not to use scrubs and peels that exfoliate the top layer of skin. You can take a bath, but adds a cup of strong brewed coffee and tea. Instead, put on a skin scrub coffee grounds, but not rub vigorously, and just swipe your hands over the body - to keep a tan coffee and make your skin cleaner.

Make tomato mask - contained in tomatoes coloring pigment will help keep dark shade longer. Mix the tomatoes, cheese and vegetable oil and put a lot on the whole body. After half an hour, take a shower, remove the mask from the skin. After the procedure, be sure to moisten the skin - Tanned skin needs the fluid is particularly acute.

Mask with carrot ingredients applied to the face - olive oil, mix with egg yolk, add a little essential oil of carrot. Once a week, make a mask, washing it with a special moisturizing and soothing tonic. Tonic is made from strong tea leaves, mixed with lemon juice. The complex is completed by applying the cream of carrot - petroleum jelly, olive oil, carrot juice warm up, whisk and store it in the refrigerator.

Consolidate and extend the validity of your tan will help proper diet - you need to lean heavily on foods containing vitamin A. Most of it is in apricots, carrots, eggs, milk and liver. Remember that retinol is well absorbed only in the company of fats - foods interfere with sour cream or vegetable oil. Drink carrot juice, and start doing it before the trip to the sea, continue during the holidays and beyond - then tan persist longer. Try to enrich your diet red, yellow vegetables and fruits.

Visit the solarium. A few weeks after the sea, you can start going to a tanning salon - it is the most effective way to maintain swarthiness skin. Do not forget to actively moisturize the skin means without bleaching components and nourish it from the inside, increasing the amount of fluid intake to two liters per day.

Tags: leather, Ambassador, tan