How to get chocolate tan

How to get chocolate tan
 How to achieve a smooth, attractive and bronze hue on your skin? Chocolate tan looks incredibly beautiful, and it is difficult to find someone who he would not go. Therefore it is necessary to get acquainted with a few rules,

Gradualism - that's the main rule that should be taken into account to achieve a smooth and beautiful chocolate color. Naturally and understand your desire to get rich tan as quickly as possible - but that is exactly what could serve as a major obstacle to the desired! Suffered burns your skin may react most unpleasant way - strong and even peeling rash, resulting in even subsequent tan never lie flat and will look very unattractive.

In addition, remember: the rejection of sunscreen with an appropriate UF-filter you will also lead to severe burns, and chocolate-lasting tan will have to forget! How to choose the right tool? Here works quite simple rule: the lighter shade of your natural hair and skin, the higher the degree of protection, the minimum factor for fair-skinned people - 15. When the skin gets used to the almost regular exposure to the sun and will be producing protective elements, you can choose a slightly smaller impact factor. By the way, going to the sea, pre-visit a few times a solarium, and a very short time, each session should not exceed more than 5-7 minutes. It's just getting used to help the skin to ultraviolet light and produce protection.

During tanning the skin must be constantly moisturize, it will help him survive as long as possible. How Come? The skin tends to flake and updated, so to save even and uniform shade regularly use moisturizing oil or lotion. Besides it is necessary to support the skin under the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, since it leads to loss of skin elasticity, strong dryness and tightness.

Glass of carrot juice for about an hour before the departure of the sun tan will occur much faster. The same applies to almost all bright (red, orange) fruit and vegetables rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, which you should eat in sufficient quantity during the active tanning in the sun.

Tags: color, tan