Hair removal and pregnancy

Hair removal and pregnancy
 If you want to look beautiful, well-groomed during pregnancy, then your desire to present conflicts with security for the baby. The main problem is becoming so harmless at other times in your life procedure, as removal of hair on problem areas of the body. If you normally guided by the degree of pain a particular method of hair removal, hair regrowth velocity or simply the price, in the days of pregnancy in the first place, consider safety.  

Shaving machine is the most simple, cheap and painless way to get rid of the vegetation. You destroy the outer part of the hair, so the next day he again becomes visible on the skin. Prior to shaving take a warm bath and massage the skin. Expand the pores, soften hair and skin that will facilitate your procedure. The technique has almost no side effects. Maximum limit the use of shaving soap, not burned with alcohol-based lotions.

Medicine does not indicate contraindications shaving woman expecting a baby. But some problems have in mind. Scratches and cuts during pregnancy heal worse than usual, you may be on-site hair removal severe irritation.

Waxing foams, mousses and creams that contain harsh chemicals, causes the destruction of the entire structure of the hair. Then you remove the hair with a special spatula coated tool. Onion, as in the first case, remain intact. Depilatory acts softer than machine, simultaneously exfoliates and moisturizes the skin. Dermatologists warn that the individual ingredients sometimes cause an allergic reaction, which negatively affects the condition of the fetus. Add to that the increased susceptibility to allergies during pregnancy. So do two hours before the test procedure. Perform the procedure in a well-ventilated room, get some fresh air after its completion.

Through bioepilyatsiyu, you remove the hair shaft stiff wax or Fitosmola. The advantage of this method is the speed of the procedure, it gives a long-lasting effect, thinner hair and slows their growth.

Despite the apparent harmlessness, this hair removal is for a pregnant woman serious danger. The procedure is quite painful for the mother that is undesirable. During the pain sensation produced by stress hormones that is bad for the developing nervous system of the fetus. Doctors forbid experience painful shock to women who are at risk of miscarriage. Another factor that may require you to renounce the use bioepilyatsii is varicose veins. Thermal procedures in place exit veins can not be performed.

All other methods of hair removal available in the arsenal of cosmetologists, more strictly not recommended for pregnant women.

Tags: pregnancy, hair removal, waxing, shaving, contraindication