Proper use of aromatic oils

Proper use of aromatic oils
 Our body does not accidentally endowed with the five senses: with their help we understand the world, to develop and enjoy. The sense of smell is not vital sense, however, affecting the organs of smells, can achieve beneficial effects on the heart.

Aromatherapy has been known since ancient times. People have noticed the effect of different odors on mood, well-being, and began to use scents to treat people as well as for religious ceremonies. Even now, in the Orthodox churches are widely used incense: incense especially.

Arrange at home a real feast of flavors! Select an aromatic essential oil according to your taste and mood: some oil bring joy and energy, while others stimulate appetite, and others act as an aphrodisiac, the fourth soothe and relax. Begin your journey into the wonderful world of aromatherapy is easy, but being careful not to hurt yourself and do not spoil the impression of enchanting fragrances. Clearly follow the instructions when using essential oils, follow the dosage. When you feel that you have mastered the basics of aromatherapy, begin to experiment and create their own flavors.

Buy a aromalampu. If you are not sure that you will enjoy aromatherapy, choose a simple inexpensive lamp. Big curly thicket differ only in their appearance, but little difference in the action will not. It is desirable that the ceramic oil burner was: This non-flammable environmentally friendly material since ancient times was used for aromatherapy. Oil burner used for small candles tablets. It is advisable to choose unscented candles to chemical odor did not interrupt natural.

Essential oils are desirable to buy in drugstores or specialty stores. Use only natural oil, without chemical additives. Try not to buy oil called "Relaxation" or "energy" if their packaging is not written composition - you never know what will inhale. As a rule, even indoor butylek oil has an odor. Choose a flavor to taste. Make sure that you have not had an allergy to the plant from which oil is made.

Check the room and close the windows before applying the oil.

Rinse with warm water and a new aroma lamp to remove dust, dry it. In a bowl, pour the lamp warm boiled water, usually missing two tablespoons. Open aromatic oils. Usually inside its packaging is manual, where he wrote the dosage of oil per square meter of space. Drip into the bowl as many drops as written in the instructions. If you use essential oils for the first time, use less drops than written instructions to avoid dizziness. Light a candle and put it inside aromalamny under the bowl with butter.

Indoors breathe aromatic oils may be from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the intensity of odor. If you only know the world of flavors, reduce to a minimum the time of the experiment, gradually increasing it. If you start vertigo - it's not terrible, but an aromatherapy session should be discontinued.

After the expiration of the selected time you put out the light, wash lamp, ventilate the room.

Be careful: aromatherapy contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, for allergy sufferers and people with unbalanced nervous system. For the rest of aromatherapy is the prevention of many dangerous diseases, means of enhancing immunity and improve mood.

Tags: oil, oil burner, flavoring, the use of aromatherapy