Fake perfume - the smell of disappointment?

 People are indifferent to perfume, consider the cost of money thrown away odors: why pay for something that will evaporate in a few hours? If you follow this point of view, the acquisition of counterfeit perfume can be called a double loss - not only that I had to spend money on something ephemeral, so still and the illusion was fake! Counterfeit perfumes harms not only the purse and mood, but also can seriously undermine health. Women's magazine offers its readers JustLady use rapid test for determining the reliability of the new bottle. Keep your nose to the wind!

In category Beauty: Cosmetics Decleor, Decleor cosmetics

Today the Russian market is flooded with counterfeit perfumes, produced in Holland, Turkey, Ukraine, Poland, the United Arab Emirates. This is a huge underground economy and a multi-million dollar high-grade "parallel" marketing structure: hundreds of bright minds busy analyzing the perfume market, find out what spirits are not looking snap up like hotcakes, and any forgery is not worth afoot. Buy counterfeit perfumes are two fundamentally different ways: either on the websites wholesalers, honestly telling you that you are dealing with "imitation" (any bottle of spirits in these traders is worth about five hundred rubles, but they only sell goods batches), or those who just purchasedfake perfumeAnd now pass them off as the real thing. However, sometimes naive traders believe that sell genuine products. Blame them in this case it is possible only in a low professionalism, but the consumer that does not help.

The danger that meetfake perfume can be almost anywhere: in the retail online stores, on the recommendation of a friend's friends, in small departments in shopping centers and markets (especially in the regions), believing the announcement on the forum about the sale of "not approached" perfume. Trump card counterfeit perfume - lower than in specialized networks, price. Sellers explain its different, but something similar reasons: proximity to the expiration date ("only two years left, and suddenly not sell ?!"), "clout" in big perfume stores ("caps are bad, because it probes, their brought there for free, and I was a neighbor three times cheaper pulls "), awareness of the wonderful secret places gratis sale of luxury perfumes (" this perfume factory Dior, they just bottled simple ").

Experts estimate that at least 10% of the market is represented by the modern fragrancefake perfume. And it is not only the scourge of Russian fans pleasant scents - all over the world, people are becoming victims of fraud. Most opportunities to get their own money, God knows that, sadly, provides Internet, where the key to a decent purchase can only be reputation store or private seller when buying at auction, for example, on eBay. But, the truth is that we all love the benefits and therefore fake continue to thrive. It's hard to resist buying a bottle Chanel for $ 10 - and suddenly you're lucky?

How to distinguish a fake perfume. Express check from the women's magazine JustLady

Inspect the packaging and the bottle, using our proposed sequence of actions. To clarify the truth, you will need no more than three minutes. You gotfake perfumeWhere:

- Cellophane protective packaging is sitting on a box free, joints, place sealing joints and actuated by sloppy, he is thin and rustling cellophane or, conversely, too thick.

- Packaging (cardboard and bottle) subtly (or perceptible) differs from the original size, shape, color, print quality, layout, font name and logo of the manufacturer. Often the font itself is not distinguished from the present, but even noticeable to the naked eye that the distance between the letters more. On the packaging of counterfeit spirits often do not spew - extruded text or picture filled with paint printing method, it is replaced with a simple print or Pulling out poorly made (printed font knocked abroad embossing). Of course, spelling errors - also a sure sign of fraud, and particularly cynical.

Fake perfume - the smell of disappointment?

(Photo: right -fake perfume Michael KorsThat differ from the real proportions of the bottle)

- In multiples of other materials used: for example, instead of engraving on the bottle label flaunts glued and painted plastic cap instead of a metal with a plastic liner, etc.

- Bar code on the box does not match the code on the bottle or declared by the producing country (France is 30-37, in the United Kingdom - 50, 400-440 in Germany, in Italy, 80-83).

- A bottle of "drumming" in the box.

- In a new bottle or clear Nedolya spirits themselves wrong color too pale or too dark, or even green instead of pink. Any sediment is also unacceptable.

Fake perfume - the smell of disappointment?

(Photo: fake perfume Wera Wang identified due to non-compliance of the original color and counterfeit)

- A bottle of low-quality glass, cast uneven, visible bubbles.

- Cap uneven adjacent to the bottle, made rude.

- Bottle leaks or bad spray and spray doses.

- Smell demonstrates a clear discrepancy with the familiar original, or "flat" - the first notes are very similar, but the spirits were not disclosed on the skin or blotter after some time, because used poor-quality simulation components and, of course, is not observed Perfume.

Curiously, the assertion that each product has its own buyer, works in the case offake perfume: Consumers are often aware that acquiring counterfeit, but are willing to go for it, since the sight and smell of perfume from "almost like a real". Of course, this is a personal matter (even to the point as an amateur fakes do not solve the perfume gift to someone more scrupulous). But it is useful to know thatfake perfume can bring a very specific injury: poor quality, or not intended for cosmetic use ingredients can cause allergies and even chemical burns. As they say dermatologists, modern perfumery is a high-tech manufacturing, all components - and chemical and natural origin - repeatedly tested before becoming a part of fragrant composition.

Skin reactions to the original perfumes are found, but these are isolated cases. Manufacturersfake perfumeOf course, it is slightly worried about the use of safe materials in appropriate concentrations. Redness, blisters, ulcers, appeared after the application of counterfeit perfumes, may be caused by toxic alcohols, and too saturated solution of flavors. Therefore, the savings on fragrance may well lead to much more serious costs associated with treatment.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: online, shop, spirit, fake, health, perfumes, probe, frustration