As revenge boss

As revenge boss
 Often, the head can not find a common language with subordinates. And often in people who have been dismissed by the will of a superior or standing on the verge of dismissal due to difficulties in the relationship with him, there is justifiable desire - to avenge.

Revenge boss can be pretty easy. Can realize our plans so that the events seemed quite natural.

Do not perform the tasks that are not provided your employment. Very often, bosses, using his superior position, load subordinates plenty of extra (non-core) operation. It speaks of his desire to push any employee to care, or save on the right workers.

In this case, employees may lawfully refuse to perform this work. In the event of claims by the authorities need to calmly explain that the only duty is to perform specialized tasks and do they need to be high quality, not being distracted by the rest of the case. Of course, picky attitude of the head can not be avoided, so do not give any cause for censure (late, wastage of working hours, etc.).

Quite often large companies organize business training aimed at staff development. Such training can be used not only for learning how to build online professional acquaintances.

On his return to the firm operates on the situation. If, after passing the training leader gives a more responsible job and wage increases, do not rush to leave. If this does not work, then acquired in the desired field of familiar hassle-free help to find a new place.

If the problem is in communication with the head is the need to provide him with daily reports with high demands, it is possible to create reports constantly and very detailed. They should include professional trivia, information about the people with whom you interact in the course of the project. You can paint every minute working time. The head will be overwhelmed by the abundance of information and may slow down their demands.

The leader who leads a double accounting, hiding from the tax office may suffer serious financial loss if talk about his activities appropriate authority.

Revenge boss can and harmless at first sight gags. Write comic ads like "Buy broken Christmas toys" and specify the phone chief. By the end of the day the head will clearly be tortured.

But frankly, the place - not the most good feeling. She scathing act primarily on those who it is embraced. The best way out - to find something for which the Chief may be sorry, then it will seem helpless, and the thirst for vengeance melted instantly.

Tags: boss, boss, revenge