Business lunch: etiquette

Business lunch: etiquette
 Business lunch - an event very important and responsible. After quite difficult at the same time is, to speak and to listen carefully. In order to simplify the procedure for the business lunch, you need to carefully follow the rules of etiquette at the table.

Business lunch affects a lot in the development of a career man. This is his image as a business partner, and the image of the whole company as a whole, and the success of the ongoing negotiations and more. Therefore, before the start of a business lunch to it must be carefully prepared.

First, be sure to thank the person who invited you to the reception. If the invitation was sent to you in writing, and then answer it is necessary that kzhe. Thanks go to even if you are not going to go.

Another basic rule - think over her outfit to the last detail. No jeans and clothing freestyle at the dinner should not be. The phrase "in everyday clothes," spelled out in the invitation means that you need to choose a jacket and tie (for men) and a business suit (for women).

To the dinner not to disgrace, looking like a man who returned from Cape hungry, before going to the restaurant definitely eat. Remember that the main purpose of a business lunch - to solve business issues and not overeat.

But as the dinner still suggests that there is still need, it is necessary to get acquainted with the rules of etiquette at the table. These include the ability to distinguish a spoon for soup, puree the soup from the ordinary; Fish fork and salad device; how to eat with a knife and many other nuances. Use a simple rule: you should start with the extreme devices and finish closer to the plate. After all, it speaks volumes about your general culture, and thus characterizes you as a person. Including business.

Be aware of posture and hand during negotiations at the dinner table. The back should be perfectly straight, and your arms on the armrests of chairs or on your lap. You can only touch the table or brush is entirely hand to the elbow. In no case do not bend to the food, it is better to chop small amounts of food on a fork and bring it to her mouth.

Of course, during the official reception still need to watch and to see how you drink. You can not have pieces of food or even traces of it remained in the glass. To avoid this, do the following: before you drink something, blot lips with a napkin.

Not to be trapped, order dishes that are easy to handle. Do not know how to open the mussels? Business lunch - not the time to learn this. Proceed to the same food can only be after it is made the owner of the reception.

Equally important is the subject of conversation at the table. It is impossible to cover topics of medicine, religion, sex and politics. Ideal for discussion considered the theme of the children, weather, historical sights and history. By the official part of the event - the transition to business topics - start, usually after the main course will be served. But not immediately, but closer to the coffee. Premeditated, that you want to discuss - the abundance of papers on the desk and office equipment will indicate to you, as a man hasty and not very interested in this meeting. Move on to the unfolding securities worth only when the entire table is already free from food.

Tags: dinner etiquette