Top female profession

Top female profession
 Modern lady easily be seen in the office of the director, a police officer, superintendent, crane and even a miner. However, this is the exception rather than the rule. Yet women continue to attract more traditional professions. This once again confirmed the IC research conducted by the portal
 Rating "female" professions headed the post of secretary-receptionist. 100% of applicants in Secretarial - women. Research Center portal studied 50 of the most popular professions, based on an analysis of summary candidates with experience in a particular area. According to the results of all occupations to the post of secretary-receptionist at 100% was "female", that is, it tend to occupy only the fairer sex.

For positions HR women probably no less comfortable than in an armchair secretary (97% of the total number of applicants for this position). What follows is no less "ladies" profession - Office Manager (95% women).

Plan a vacation and want to mainly women, writing in the ranking of the best position Tourism management (92% of the fairer sex). "Female" professions and is an assistant (or assistant) of the head (88% of applicants for the position - the ladies).

Accountant - though the word is masculine, but women are more likely to comply with the requirements for seeking to take the place (an accountant want to work 86% of women). The same number of women (86%) are ready to become a landscape designer.

Talk on the phone with benefit and for the money, namely to work in the profession call-center operator, desired to 82% of women.

Women are able to not only take care of his family, husband and children, but are ready to think about the world, but rather about the environment - 79% of applicants for the position of women ecologist again.

Creative itch does not leave alone the weaker sex, because the lady ahead of men dream to take the manager's seat on advertising and public relations (75% and 73% soiskatelnits).

Slightly less than women (67%) tend to the profession literary editor and price calculation. Not ready to give up women strong floor and an auditor and architect (65%).

Great demand for women and fitness trainer profession (62%), content manager and brand manager (60%).

Serious and intellectual pursuits women choose a specialty lawyer (57%) and financial analysts (55%), despite the fact that work on the analysis of the market and the right has some 10-15 years ago was the exclusive prerogative of men.

Thus, a case study confirmed that the "female" occupations - not a myth, they have a place to be, and sometimes ladies can seriously compete with men in the labor market. And on some positions a woman - not just an indispensable employee, and the only option. The main thing that the fairer sex of the chosen profession it was to his liking, enjoyable and generate income, and then it will be headed by the right ranking of the best "female" professions!

Tags: work, profession, woman, rating, specialty, specialty