Sales Guru: how to sell anyone anything

Sales Guru: how to sell anyone anything
 Sales - not an easy task, requiring great dedication and sometimes thankless. However, having mastered several effective techniques that you can achieve good results.
 Sales begin to establish contact with the client. If possible, try to pre-collect information about him to help make the first call and make the assumption that because of your products or services may be useful to him.

To win over the person you want to call him confidence. Try to keep his eye, smile. Demonstrate calmness and confidence. To start talking about something abstract, for example, make a true compliment to the exterior of the client or the circumstances in his office, if you are working with a legal entity.

Use non-verbal adjustment to the client to establish a connection with him. Unobtrusively duplicate his posture and gestures. Be sure to work with your tone, especially if you are selling on the phone. You need to catch the pace of speech and correct potential buyer for his own. In addition, it is important to talk to him in the same language. If you load a person with special terms, which he did not hear, it can push him.

When you see that the client is talking to you, begin to identify their needs. Ask questions about him or his company, to help find out what is important to him in choosing a supplier of goods or services and what characteristics are important in the product. Based on these data, build your presentation.

Story about a product or service is based on certain rules. Do not just list the benefits of your company and product. Voiced winning performance in conjunction with the benefits that the customer will receive from it. This presentation is most effective.

Learn how to deal with objections that may arise in all phases of the sales. Objections - is undoubtedly the client that you should try to dispel. We first show that you understand his position because ask clarifying questions, if the objection can be interpreted ambiguously, and finally, use reasoning to answer the objection.

When all doubts were dispelled, go to a deal. If the customer doubts - working with his objections, if something is not understood by product - a little back to the presentation. Ideally, your task - to sign a contract or exchange of goods for money. Minimum program - to agree on the next steps that you make in the direction of the beginning of cooperation, such as the appointment of a future meeting.

Remember to become a guru of sales, not enough to possess the necessary knowledge. To achieve high results need regular practice this skill.

In addition, important inner desire to win. If it will stay with you and after unsuccessful attempts, all the work, and the percentage of successful sales will continue to increase.

Tags: sale, coma, gur, art