How to solve a problem at work

How to solve a problem at work
 At work, various problems can arise: the machinations of colleagues, strained relations in the workplace, the mistakes, the friction with the authorities, a violation of the rights of the employer. In each of these cases, it is important to know how to behave correctly.
 First, determine what the source of the problem. It is important to deeply analyze what is happening, because it does not always cause of deterioration of the situation at work is obvious. Sometimes, the real source of problems in the form of envious colleagues or system error crept hidden. Discuss the situation with those who trust. Take note of their opinion on the matter.

If you are plotting an envious colleague, finding ways to neutralize him. We have the advantage of a villain as he can act secretly behind you. It may be worth frankly tell him that for obvious reasons you what is happening. Sometimes it is enough to inform someone of the third - an employee or boss, or even make a black case envious for public discussion.

Bad when problems are reduced to strained relations in the workplace, in this case it is very difficult to work productively. In order to improve the climate of interpersonal relationships with employees, try to find common interests that unite you outside of work. Will I require the opportunity to sometimes spend their free time together. To improve productivity arrange comic competition with small prizes. Whenever possible, make a pleasant surprise to employees, telling them compliments. Will see that soon from work you will have only positive emotions.

If the problem occurs because of an error that you make, do not rush to put this situation in appearance. First, think over what can be done to resolve it. Try to correct the error on its own. If you see that the difference is not in your power, go for a frank conversation with the chief. It is important that the boss found out about the problem it is up to you. So there is a chance not only to present what happened in the right light, but also offer pre-designed bailout. This would greatly facilitate your position.

When the problem is friction with the head, try not to go into open conflict. Discuss with colleagues and boss should not be - it can turn against you. If the chief of committing misconduct, and above it is also a leader, ask for help from senior management.

If a conflict arose directly from the employer, the commission on labor disputes, labor inspection, the union - are those instances where you can help. Go there in writing, apply your existing evidence, require protection of their rights.

Tags: work team, a colleague, an attitude problem