How to set up a job: Learning motivation

How to set up a job: Learning motivation
 Boring, confusing, complicated work as if by magic will not suddenly for you fascinating and easy. But in any case, that you do, you must see for yourself motive.

Why did not want to work

Much depends on how you feel about the work and customize it. If you do not want to work, maybe you just do not see the positive motives for its implementation. Properly goals always pushing people to work, cause the desire to learn, to grow, to perform routine work and so on.

How to start a motivation

So, define your goals, starting to work. Arrange a brainstorm and visualize what benefits it can give you. This may be the acquisition of some things with the money, a trip to a holiday or visit to a chic restaurant. Imagine yourself, for example, new shoes or a coat and associate the desired image with their work responsibilities.

If you have to deal with uninteresting affair, try to still pay attention to those aspects of which you can learn a favor. Just tell yourself: "Deciding to this question, I'll take care of such a problem, and it will disappear." Or, "I'll prove to themselves and others that can do their job professionally, efficiently and on time."

Postponing any work for an indefinite period, you absolutely can not go along it.

Dosing regimen

Solve labor issues gradually. Immediately take over the bulk burdens much harder psychologically than something small, friendly and giving a tangible result. Remember how you solve math problems "for action", which stood in the general algorithm.

Pay attention to what time of day your performance is maximized, and use it to solve the most complex tasks that require effort and concentration.

Motivation to work does not arise out of nowhere

Often to want to work, you just need to start. Appetite is known, comes with eating, but is not it the same with motivation: it does not fall from somewhere in the ceiling, and there is already in the process of work, when you are just starting her "feel."

What will help to concentrate on work

Organize your activities. Starting from their own goals, schedule and plan at least approximate dates. It helps you to specifically direct his attention to the work, and not sprayed in a variety of concerns. To be able to concentrate, try to minimize the effect of distracting and inhibiting factors.

Tags: work, motivation, self-motivation