7 Commandments careerists

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 For a successful promotion is sometimes not enough deep professional knowledge and skills. There are some rules that will have a positive effect on his career.
 Nonparticipation in gossip. Any word or expressed an opinion about the personal lives of employees, the level of their salary or professional qualifications may be misinterpreted. Most of these backroom conversations going on during the break or lunch, so, despite the fact that many working moments are resolved at this time, refrain from such discussions.

Do not be the subject of gossip. Your personal life, passions and costs should not be the subject of conversation. This does not mean that you should close all just need to carefully weigh each word and give a minimum of information concerning your life outside of work. Even an innocent thing about your campaign on expensive shops can grow to absurd charges of "rolling back" after a few times will pass from mouth to mouth.

Appropriate behavior in any situation. This rule is especially true for corporate events and trips for the whole company team building, conference or training. During such events are often offered drinks, so try to control yourself. Just abandon the alcohol is not necessary, because the rise and toast for the company and for the leadership, so try to stretch one to two glasses before the end of the evening, or tell me what you're driving.

Friendly neutrality. Often the view you as a person formed at mid-level professionals. So be helpful in dealing with members of the secretariat, assistant managers, accountants, but do not let familiarity with their hand. Remember, your goal - is the next step in the hierarchy of the company, you are worthy to take the place, so you need to behave accordingly.

The ability to hear and not listen to the leadership. You can execute each instruction of the authorities exactly as it was said, but the result was not happy. How Come? Because he did not mean it. Therefore, before proceeding to implement the orders, analyze what it wants to head, how to achieve this with the least loss of time and money and maximize the effect. If you have ideas, deliver them to the head of a proposal and request expert advice, he will appreciate your custom campaign.

Clear position on any issue. If you do not agree with the approach to solving a problem, always argues its opinion. Reasoning in terms of "it's not fair" or "a bad thing" in business misplaced. So before you protest, including the chief, mentally systematize information, highlight the main arguments and present them clearly. Do not hesitate to express their solutions to the problem or achieve the task. Make proposals in writing, be sure to put the name of the artist, it does not allow other employees to assign your ideas.

Meeting deadlines. Any charged you work must be done before the dead-line comes the task. If you do not have time - forget about his personal life and entertainment, stay at work until you complete the task. As a future leader, you should be able to delegate authority subordinate, so connect the junior staff to perform work, but do not forget to thank the staff.

Tags: job growth, careers, promotion, precept, careerist, woman