Traditional methods of treatment and hair care.

 Shiny and well-groomed hair - it's not just beautiful, fashionable, but also stylish. Today have the hair is not easy, because every day our hair under constant environmental influences and mechanical damage. If your hair weak, dull, lifeless or fall - in your power to help them. There is a huge variety of modern facilities for the treatment and care of hair. If you prefer natural, it's time to recall the folk treatments and hair care.

In category Beauty: Cosmetics, honey

If your hair is recommended:

1. Rub the scalp burdock. It will strengthen the roots and improve hair growth.
2. Make a mask of onion, honey, salt and egg yolk. All of these components also contribute to strengthening and faster hair growth.
3. Nettle infusion (1 tbsp. Spoonful of dried leaves per cup of boiling water), rub into the roots, helps with strong hair loss and removes dandruff. You can also use a mixture of herbs: nettle, St. John's wort, sage and butterbur.
4. If your hair and to give them a natural shine Russian healers recommend the scalp, pre-washed with warm water without soap, rub table salt.
5. Regularly eating buckthorn berries or drink a decoction of young branches, and this broth rub the scalp and hair.
6. Grease hair castor oil or wash your hair decoction of birch leaves.
7. Pulp fresh chives arrow cast on the hair, wrap head with a towel for 1 hour, then wash it with soap and water.
8. Wash the head with water, adding a 1 teaspoon of vodka.
9. Massaging the scalp broth of hop cones (1 tbsp. Spoonful of hops in a glass of boiling water), collected in August and September, will help in starting baldness.
10. Ingest infusion of mother and stepmother. 1 tbsp. spoon of leaves per cup of hot water, heated in a water bath for 5-7 minutes, insisting quarter of an hour, filter and take 1 tbsp. spoon 4-6 times per day. Infusion store in the refrigerator no more than 1-2 days.
11. Twice a week wash your hair decoction of hop cones (20 g.), Burdock root (20 g.) And calendula flowers (10 g.), Or a decoction of the rhizome.
12. Rub the scalp fresh cucumber juice.
13. Rub into the scalp infusion of hellebore rhizome, cooked in vinegar or strained broth rosemary.
14. The hair growth also contributes to massaging burdock root in decoction or infusion in vegetable, corn or sunflower oil (1: 10).
15. grated apples (200g.), This 3 days in a bottle of rum, drain and wipe the hair roots daily. Not only will your hair grow better, but also become thicker and lighter.

To remove dandruff:

1. Heat the broth of herbs ordinary Chernogolovka wash my hair 2-3 times a day. After washing, leave the hair wet.
2. Wash the head of soap.
3. Wash your hair every other day 10-12 times the infusion of tansy (1 tbsp. Spoonful of ground to pulp stems and flowers of tansy is brewed with 400 ml. Of boiling water and infuse for 2 hours).
4. Get rid of dandruff help and garlic. Within 6-7 days on the scalp must apply for 2 hours gruel peeled and crushed garlic cloves.
For oily scalp is recommended:
1. Rub the mixture of 10 parts of an alcohol tincture of calendula and 1 part of castor oil.
2. A few hours before washing the head to rub a mixture of 10 g of birch tar, 20 g of castor oil and 100 g of alcohol.

If you have dry scalp:

1. Rub the mixture into hair alcohol tincture of calendula and castor oil, taken in equal proportions.
2. Wash your hair egg, beaten with a little water.
In addition, there are many natural folk methods of hair care.
For example, for the preparation of shampoo sufficient to dissolve the soap in the '15 120 g cologne '15 add water. Or beat the egg with a little water and add a pinch of borax. This shampoo will help strengthen your hair.
It has long been used for washing hair and sour milk. You can also use yogurt, kefir or whey. Fermented milk products abundantly moistened hair, covered his head with plastic wrap and top with a towel. Half an hour later washed well with soap and hair. And if then rinse hair with diluted lemon juice, it will give them more and extra shine.
Oily hair can be washed rye bread (150 g of bread filled with boiling water) or mustard (1 tbsp. Tablespoon diluted to 2 liters of water). To give your hair a beautiful shine, they can be rinsed infusion of nettle leaves or birch.
Dry hair is recommended to wash the egg yolk. 25 g of finely planed baby soap diluted in 100 g of boiling water, strain through cheesecloth and allowed to cool. Before use, the mixture is diluted with warm water, and thereto is added whipped egg yolk.
If you have enough time to care for hair, you can use the popular recipes for hair masks.
For example, the mask of vegetable and sea buckthorn oil in a ratio of 1: 9, rubbed into the hair roots for an hour, will help nourish and strengthen hair and give them a natural shine.
The mask of castor oil (1 teaspoon), burdock oil (1 teaspoon) of lemon juice or birch (2 teaspoons) will help with damaged hair.
Of course, to prepare a folk remedy for hair care a bit more complicated than use already prepared, store-bought bottle of shampoo, but the remedy is absolutely natural, time-tested, and sometimes on the effectiveness and superior modern facilities. The very nature has provided us with many opportunities to have a well-groomed and beautiful hair. So, why not take advantage of that and forget about the problems with the hair ?!

Author: Olga Winnick

Tags: hair growth, dandruff, beam, egg, care, loss, treatment method, broth, washing, rubbing