How to care for blond hair

How to care for blond hair
 Blonde hair look attractive and sexy, young women and they give a fresh complexion. All pluses, you can add the fact that for them need special care. Colored hair severely damaged, therefore require treatment.

Once a month, paint the regrowth. They look messy, especially if you have a dark natural hair color. Entrust this procedure professional. He will pick the right tone, and keep your hair from the adverse effects.

Only wash your hair with special shampoos for blonde hair 2-3 times a week. First wet your hair with warm water, apply a little shampoo and spread over the entire length. Then rinse thoroughly.
Secure the action of shampoo balm-conditioner, which must also be chosen to suit your hair type. Leave for a few minutes and rinse. He will create a nutritious and protective film.
That hair was smooth and shiny, rinse hair with water with vinegar or lemon juice. Per liter of water, take the juice of half a lemon.

Decoction of chamomile - Natural clarifier, it draws a light color. Take 2 tablespoons of flowers, pour 4 cups of hot water and boil in water bath for several minutes. Ready broth, strain and cool.
Paints for bleaching hair contain hydrogen peroxide, which dries and irritates the scalp. Use hair masks and shampoos, which include algae, sea minerals and lechenye dirt.

Choose combs made of natural materials such as wood. If you do blow-dry or rectifier, use tools with thermal protection. Under the influence of sunlight hair vygoryayut become dry and brittle. Therefore, use of protection means with UV rays.

Make masks from natural products, such as honey. First, wash your hair with shampoo, which add half a teaspoon of baking soda. Towel dry the head and apply honey. Wrap with plastic wrap. This mask is best done at night. In the honey contains substances that discolor hair gently improves the structure and evens.

Tags: hair, list maintenance, antidepressant