Beautiful hair spring: 5 rules of care

 In the spring, most women experiencing stress: the hair after the winter season does not look so perfect as we would like! Wearing hats, stress from temperature changes, dry indoor air affect the condition of hair. How to return them to the former health? On the pages of women's magazine JustLady expert advice.

Spring - a difficult time for the whole organism. At this time of year we especially want to look perfect, but a rare woman happy with her appearance at one hundred: changes in temperature and accumulated over the winter fatigue affects not only mood but also on the skin and hair. What measures can restore health and shine of curls?

In this article we look at the most common "spring" problems with hair.

1. Hair whipped

Split ends of hair - A problem familiar to almost every woman. Accept this difficult - hairstyle looks messy because split ends have a "habit" not to give in and stick laying in different directions.

Advises hairstylist Kolganova Olga:

 "If your hair is already flogged, then needed a haircut, preferably hot scissors. Efficiency as used herein means a therapeutic effect exerted on your hair. Effect after the haircut hot scissors noticeable after the first procedure - hair long flogged.

Haircut hot scissors solders cut each hair. As a result, the hair is shiny, strong, flexible and allow for better retain the shape of the new hairstyle. If you regularly use hot scissors, hair will be stronger and thicker.


Also as a preventive necessarily apply masks and balms for the hair. Hair masks - the most efficient way to protect and care for your hair. Special consideration should be to follow the hair after coloring and perming. For example, in the off-season perfect hair mask with honey, olive oil and protein. "

Beauty-consultant Hexagone Irina Girik:

 "Posechennymi tips will protect mask with silicone derivatives: without weighing strands, silicone gently envelops each hair, as if an invisible protective film. A volume and shine give means with extracts of flaxseed.

When washing carefully and try to gently massage the skin without snarling hair. Do not brush wet hair, do not rub with a towel. There is nothing worse for weakened hair dryer than hot dryer. Initially dry them in a natural way, and then the cold air in the direction from the roots to the tips - it will give your hair shine. "

Homemade beauty recipes:

That hair is not flogged, 1 tablespoon of the mixture of herbs dandelion (flowers and leaves), sage and plantain, taken in equal parts, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for two hours to infuse. Rinse your hair with this solution after washing.

2. Hair loss

The reasons for this problem, weight, and without the advice of a specialist in complex cases trihologa difficult to manage. But to try to deal with hair loss can be their own. Just remember that masks and hair treatments will have no effect if the reason lies in the malfunction of the thyroid gland, hyperandrogenaemia (this increase in the amount of testosterone in the blood) or prolonged stress.

Lead Technologist brand MoltoBene Pshenichnova Daria:

 "Nature has put the life cycles of hair consists of three phases: anagen (stage of formation and maturation of the root and the hair shaft, 2-7 years), catagen (resting phase of the hair adult, 2-4 weeks) and telogen (phase fading bulb and root, after which the hair falls out, 3-4 months).

All hair are in different stages, so a daily hair loss (normally 100) is physiologically determined. Hair loss in excess of the evidence of disturbance of the balance of the body, the genetic program, stress, exposure to cold, micronutrient deficiency is a result of the use of certain medications.

In case of serious problems should consult a doctor. Activity hair growth after loss as a result of seasonal changes and stress over time is restored. "


Recommends physician triholog Thin Fyodor:

 "Prevention of hair loss is to carry out a series of measures aimed at prevention of problems with hair loss or change in their quality (structure, thickness, appearance). Prevention is better to spend the fall and spring in the offseason, when very often enhanced hair loss.

Minimum action involving the application of vitamin complexes, whose composition is specially formulated to supply the root system of hair, as well as specialized masks, including the popular recipes.

It is important to carry out prevention, not waiting for the emergence of serious problems.

Procedures, hair loss treatment

If the same problem occurs and increased loss continues for more than 3-4 weeks, then, first of all, necessary to consult a specialist.

Standard complex for the treatment of hair loss:

- Injection procedure
- Physiotherapy,
- Internal use drugs,
- Topical preparations,
- Massage. "

Homemade beauty recipes:

Tincture for hair loss: 1 pod of red pepper pour the alcohol and leave for 10 days. Then filter and a small amount of dilute tincture of boiled water in the ratio 1 to 10. The solution was rub the hair roots by 2-3 times a week.

3. Dry hair, feeling of tightness of the scalp

Advises Beauty-consultant Hexagone Irina Girik:

 "Most likely, the hair and scalp need additional power, so treat them nourishing shampoo and masks. It is better if such funds will contain fruit extracts, minerals, oils and vitamins.

If the scalp has become too sensitive, you can rub into the roots of products containing burdock - a time-tested means always brings results.


Moisturizing hair also need, because they are only 14% water, so the loss of even a small amount of moisture quickly affects their condition. Come to the aid moisturizing shampoos, masks, containing, for example, hydrolyzed egg protein.

Water-soluble extract eggs containing hydrolysed proteins, restructures, moisturizes and protects the hair. Its restorative properties protect hair from harmful external influences. "

Homemade beauty recipes:

Mask for dry hair: Take 1 tablespoon of honey diluted colorless henna, olive oil. Add 1 egg yolk and apply the mixture on your hair. Insulate for 20 minutes, then rinse off with a mild shampoo.

4. Greasy hair

Greasy hair - a consequence of malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands and causes hyperactivity often lie in the recent failures of hormonal and stress. So the "drying" of the hair roots and scalp should be secondary measure, and in the first place put examination by an endocrinologist.

Care for oily hair should be carefully: wash your hair at least once a day a mild shampoo, in any case, not using too hot water.


Masks containing natural white clay, are well suited for oily hair: fine kaolin absorbs excess fat and spoiled pores. Applying balm conditioner, apply it only on the tips of the strands.

Homemade beauty recipes:

Prepare a mixture of 1 tsp. Honey, 1 tsp. Of aloe juice, 1 yolk and crushed garlic cloves. Half an hour before shampooing, apply makeup to hair and wrap a towel. After 30 minutes, rinse.

5. Thinning Hair

Most often, such a problem faced by girls, limiting himself in the diet (often and long "dieters"), as well as ladies who do not wear winter headgear - the scalp is very sensitive to temperature, food hair follicles is deteriorating, which affects the condition of hair.

Lead Technologist brand MoltoBene Pshenichnova Daria:

 "Science has now been proved that the differences in the types and intensity of hair growth genetically laid. Also, these processes affect overall health, diet and food composition, metabolism, nervous system, endocrine gland activity, time of year.

A well-balanced diet with plenty of nutrients - protein, B vitamins and minerals, and healthy lifestyles contribute to the growth of thick and strong hair. "


Expert Wella, Galina Mamatova:

 "For thinning hair can affect the following factors: unhealthy diet, exhausting diets, vitamin deficiencies, stress and age-related changes.


A balanced diet, which includes both fresh fruits and vegetables, and protein products.
The use of special funds for the care of thin hair, including styling tools for thin or damaged hair, for example, a collection of Wellaflex "Laying and Recovery". "

Homemade beauty recipes:

Strengthen fine hair and give hair volume will help this recipe: mash a handful of red currant berries and add 1 tsp. L. honey and 1 tbsp. l. cottage cheese. In a separate bowl, beat 1 egg yolk, connect with the previously prepared mixture and stir again all. Apply on hair for half an hour, then rinse.

Irina Krasnikova

Tags: hair, stress, magazine, care, loss, styling, spring