Tar soap for hair

Tar soap for hair
 Tar soap like economic and has a specific smell. However, many people use it just to get rid of dandruff and hair loss. What is a similar tool better than others?  
 Plus tar soap in that it contains only natural ingredients. In a lot of this soap has a birch tar, which has very useful properties: it helps to speed up the process of keratinization cells, antiseptic, antimicrobial and antiparasitic effect, helps to quickly heal wound.

Because the soap strengthens the hair bulb, when used dandruff disappears completely, hair loss is reduced, they begin to grow faster. This effect is achieved after the first three applications: hair shine appears, they become more lush and scalp - less vulnerable and sensitive.

Benefits of tar soap will be more noticeable if you follow certain rules. You can wash your hair frequently, but the hair does not have to rub themselves with soap, apply them only foam. Let it pobudet on the hair for about 10 minutes - during which time you gently massage your head. Then warm or cool water must be well rinsed hair. You can not use hot because tar from it becomes oily film.

Less soap - it is a strong, very unpleasant odor, which is transmitted hair. It also makes them stiff. Therefore, after each use of this tool is recommended to thoroughly rinse the head with water acidified with vinegar or a special balm. Blond hair after washing rinse decoction of chamomile, as from tar they darken.

Prolonged use of tar soap is very dry scalp and hair. Therefore, if you decide to try it, use a break, courses. Do not use this tool to pregnant women, as they react to the increased odors, as well as those who have overdried skin. If you wish, you may prefer soap tar shampoo (its effectiveness depends on the brand).

Tags: hair, use tar