Swifts on the Moon

Swifts on the Moon
 To keep in shape hair, were obedient and strong and looked great, just not enough time to wash your hair and use the funds to strengthen and moisturize. For treatments and haircuts must be approached on Science. How is it? It's very simple: you have to take into account the phases of the moon, to the impact of treatments on your hair enhanced by the Moon.

Here, many incredulous zahmykali and decided that now they will once again give the "magic" tips from the series "magic,". Maybe due to the effects of the moon on the human body and not believe everything, but now it is simply impossible to deny. Scientists have proved that the earth satellite moving in its orbit, has the property to attract and repel water on the surface of our planet. During the full moon tides are rife, juice in the trees moving more rapidly, and animal moon has a great influence, because we are 80% water.

Microorganisms in the full moon begins to actively proliferate, and the moon waning, on the contrary, decrease the rate of division almost doubled. Many fish and shellfish spawn, it is guided by the movement of the moon across the sky, because they know at the genetic level is something that our science has not yet discovered. So why should not we take advantage of all these secrets and gain using the lunar haircut hairstyle you've always dreamed of?

The basic rule - on the growing moon need to be cut for those who want to have hair faster than the industry. Since all that we give in this period, inevitably returns to us to double the size. Therefore, if you have long hair, and you did not want them to become even shorter than two inches, feel free to go their trim on the growing moon. At this time, such a procedure would not only strengthen the hair, but also give them a healthy appearance and eliminate the breakage. A haircut enhance hair growth, so after a couple of months you will notice that they have become much longer and obedient.

But if you have short hair, and you do not plan to grow them, but rather want a haircut longer kept neat appearance, you need to go to the hairdresser only on the waning moon. This haircut will grow much slower and longer it will delight you with the ideal form. By the way, if you want to get rid of the remnants of paint or chemicals on the hair, it is best to shear off the tips of the full moon. It is believed that during this period all the harmful and unnecessary body are concentrated in the tips of the hair, so removing them at this time may contribute to the overall improvement of the body.

The most favorable time for a visit to the hairdresser is when the Moon passes the sign of Leo, Virgo and Libra. Trimmed in Virgo, you always get the desired shape of the hairstyle and hair will be healthy and shiny. In Leo can do perm only if you are not afraid that the hair will be too twisted. But with the passage of the moon phase of Aries and Scorpio from visiting the hairdresser should be abandoned. Hairstyle made on this day will be a failure, and the usual manipulations masters can severely damage your hair, because at this time they are most vulnerable.

Tags: haircut