Straight hair: how to smooth the hair and care

Straight hair: how to smooth the hair and care
 You can straighten your hair like your own at home, and a specialist in the cabin. The difference will be the duration of the effect of the procedure and the amount of money spent on it.

Hair straightening at home

The most budget method of hair straightening is pulling them dry with a round brush (the so-called brushing) or straightening using the ironing.

To pull their hair wet and must be divided into strands. Then each strand individually wind on a large round brush and directing a stream of hot air, gradually "pull" of its length.

Brushing is much easier when using a hair dryer equipped with brush attachment.

In this manner, it is impossible to make your hair perfectly straight, because the use of a circular brush they slightly curl at the ends.

Straightening utjuzhkom performed only on dry hair. In order to achieve the result must hold a lock between the plates and ironing hold them from root to tip. Straightening this method allows to achieve a perfect result, but by careless use of ironing possible "creases".

Straightening under high temperatures leads to brittle and dry hair. In order to reduce the damaging effect of hairdressers advise prior to the procedure applied to the hair means having thermal protection properties.

Salon treatment

The earliest salon procedure allowing to straighten hair, is the so-called perm or vice versa antizavivka. Its essence lies in the fact that the composition is applied to the hair, changing their structure with a smooth porous. After the application of funds dried hair dryer, and then straighten utjuzhkom. To consolidate the results of permanent straightening the next 3 days after the procedure can not be wet hair, remove them by the ears, pull the rubber band and wear barrettes. The effect of correctly executed antizavivki persist for years. Need to re-straightened hair usually does not occur, and the roots grow back correction is carried out every six months.

Permanent straightening hair damage, therefore required for restoration regular use of nourishing and moisturizing masks, indelible means care tips.

In recent years, a new hair straightening procedure that has received great popularity among visitors hairdressers. We are talking about keratin straightening. Its creators promise women perfectly smooth and straight hair for a long time. In addition, it is believed that this procedure has a health-improving effect, because keratin seals the hair scales, thereby protecting them from further damage. Appliances keratin straightening in general resembles the technique of permanent antizavivki. Within 3 days after the procedure and can not wet the hair and expose them to any installation. The effect of keratin straightening lasts 2-4 months, then the procedure must be repeated.

Tags: hair, fashion, straight, straightening, smoothing, care