How to increase the rate of hair growth

How to increase the rate of hair growth
 To speed up hair growth, you need to eat right, do head massage to treat hair with the help of traditional cosmetics. This integrated approach will make your hair grow faster.
 Examine your diet - if there is not enough vegetables, fruit, vegetable oil, dried fruit, it is likely Include these foods. They contain many vitamins, minerals and useful fats are essential for hair growth.

Add bran to eat, as they contain B vitamins, vitamin E, and the regular use of a beneficial effect on the condition and hair growth.

Massage the scalp stimulates hair growth, improves circulation, scalp and hair actively supplied with oxygen and nutrients.

To get a massage, you need to tilt your head forward, cupped her hands so that your thumbs touch at the back. Hands should hug the sides of the head, fingers pressed to the skin; securing hands, so do 10-12 circular motions with your fingers. Gradually move your hands all over my head. Use your fingertips to need to feel under the skin of the skull bones, so the movement should be to press.

If your hair and scalp dry before beginning the procedure, lubricate your fingers cosmetic oils. Oily scalp massage worth with less pressure, rubbing in her composition for the normalization of the sebaceous glands. To prepare the composition, take a teaspoon of jojoba oil, add the 5 drops of rosemary oil and clove.

Helps to quickly grow hair special masks, such as mustard. Take 2 tablespoons dry mustard dissolve in 2 tablespoons hot water. Add the 1 egg yolk, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tsp sugar, mix well all the ingredients. The resulting mixture was put on the scalp by parting, trying not to fall on the hair. Tips before applying the mask is necessary to lubricate the warm castor oil.

After the strike mask, put on the head of a plastic cap, wrap a towel on top. Hold on to head the composition of at least 15 minutes. Mask improves blood circulation and awakens the dormant hair follicles. Take it one day a week.

For nourishing mask, take 0, 5 cups of yogurt, connect it with 1 egg and 1 tsp cocoa powder, mix everything carefully, apply the mixture on the hair roots. Then you need to put a cap to insulate and keep the mask for 25 minutes. It must do two times a week.

Tags: hair growth rate