How to braid pigtails

How to braid pigtails
 Diversify hairstyle is very simple, if you know at least a few variants of braiding. Besides, braids can be an indispensable option when there is no time to wash your hair and look like you need perfectly.

The classical model

Gather hair into a ponytail or a little lower. Divide the hair into three equal parts. Take the right strand and place it over the middle, so that it was between the other two strands, left and middle. Then go to the left locks. Put it on the middle strand. It should lie between the right and middle strands. Then continue to braid braid, alternately observing strands. Braided hair rubber band or barrette fasten. To Spit looked thicker relax a little weave closer to the tip.

French model

Good hair comb. Gently peel off the thin strand on top, then spread it so as to form three equal parts. Weave continue the same as that of normal queue. After a few stitches start to weave rest of the hair. Separate part of the hair on the left and switch it over the middle strand to the right locks. To repeat the weaving on the other side, use the same technique, adding locks on both sides.


Zacheshite hair back, take on each side of the same thin strands. Arrange them crosswise, the left side should be a right. On the left side of another separate pryadochku and crossed it to the right. Then take the right side of a thin strand and alternate parts. Weave continue the scheme mentioned above. If you want to braid look nice, do not relax strands.

Pigtails from the East

Separate all the hair into square sections. It is important to ensure that all strands for braids were even. If you want your hair look more volume, attach the artificial strands. Secure them using a special apparatus. Begin braiding usual pigtails. Once complete, you can merge into large thin braids braids, thereby inventing new hairstyles.

Tags: braid, braid