If your hair have a soft texture, you can try to experiment. Better, of course, apply to the salon where a professional will pick you desired hue, skillfully mix different colors and you'll be happy with the result.
But decided to save on services wizard with poor choice of color, you have become a "red-haired cat." Now an urgent need to clean up reddishnesses. The first thing most simple - try to use special tint tonic. This inexpensive but effective means to change the color. Basically they are sirenevato shade, it will give your hair ashy plaque. In use, they are very simple. After washing your hair with shampoo, mix with a certain amount of tonic balm for hair and put on his head. After the time specified in the instructions carefully wash it off. These shades do not stay very long, but regularly using them about twice a month, you can hide so unnecessary reddishnesses.
If this shade does not suit you, you can try a special wash. It penetrates the hair structure and destroys the paint that got there. Just be aware that ammonia removers adversely affect the hair. Therefore, after their application you have worked long and hard to treat restore their hair.
The most reliable way to remove hair coloring reddishnesses is in its original color. To do this, buy the paint on the tone or two darker than getting red and try again dye her hair. Well, if you managed to return the original color right the first time. And may have to spend one more experience.
Please note that after such experiments your hair will become faded, dry and lifeless. Get medical masks and use them regularly until you restore the structure. And in the future, contact the experienced craftsmen.