The first way is to select hair straightening series of cosmetic products for the SRI. As a rule, these sets have a special label (eg, "For curly hair" or "smooths structure"). Effect is due to the fact that when applied to the hair means going straightening curly roots due to the properties of glycerol. The complexity of this method is that daily manipulations necessary to carry out at each installation.
More effective and easy way is a chemical or thermal treatment of hair straightening. For the chemical treatment using sodium hydroxide or ammonium thioglycolate. The first drug aimed at softening the cortical layer is applied comb. A second drug has a weaker effect, so used to slightly curly hair. This way adversely affect the structure of the hair layer, so you need to consult with a specialist.
Thermal rectification is performed using a metal comb, made of steel or brass. For each individual type of structure chosen straightening, ie weak and thin hair it is advisable to apply a gentle way. But it should be noted that the thermal treatment is not performed after the deposition of the chemical composition for straightening hair.
Hair straightening at home is done by means of special nozzles for a hair dryer and a balm that has a smoothing effect. Of course, it is necessary after each wash to apply balm, and then subjected to smoothing each strand. To extend the results, you can use styling products (gel, wax, varnish) that will fix your hair and give them extra smoothness.