How to make natural shampoo

How to make natural shampoo
 Beautiful, healthy and luxuriant hair any owner proud. But sometimes it can be seen after the use of industrial shampoos hair loses its density and attractiveness. And all because not all the ingredients ready means of hair care products are so useful, as the advertising - to the store shampoos are a large number of preservatives, dyes, fragrances. Alternative means to wash your hair can be a natural shampoo prepared personally and in the home.
 Choose a soap base. It could be any purchase shampoo, because diluted with other components, it will minimally affect the hair. You can also take a liquid soap, olive oil or glycerine is better, or liquid soap base, which can be purchased at specialty stores or over the Internet. If you want the resulting shampoo was natural to 100%, instead of soap base, use the egg yolks. Another option - a decoction of the root herb soap. For its preparation 30 g of root pour 350 ml of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain mixture, pour into a bottle and store in the refrigerator.

Then pick up a caregiver oil, which is suitable for your hair. For normal to oily strands good use almond or grape seed oil. For dry, damaged, split and painted - jojoba oil or macadamia nuts. With help fight dandruff castor oil.

Select additional components of your natural shampoo. They can be decoctions of herbs. For example, calendula, nettle and chamomile are suitable for all hair types, and help to cope with the fat mint and thyme. Restorative properties has decoction of burdock, and nutritious - lavender and mother and stepmother. To make the procedure more pleasant washing hair in shampoo, you can add essential oil. Universal considered ylang-ylang. For dry hair can take the oil of jasmine, rose or geranium, and for fat - lemon, cypress or rosemary. In addition, the shampoo composition can include honey, egg yolks, glycerol.

Selected ingredients, start cooking shampoo. Take the selected soap base (liquid soap base before adding the other ingredients should be heated slightly), add a few drops of essential oils and caregiver, as well as other components of the shampoo that you have prepared. All mix thoroughly. Keep these shampoos is not desirable, so they need to prepare for one or two times.

Tags: domestic, condition, shampoo recipe