Aloe - one of the few plants, masks of which are suitable for all hair types. With their help, you can not only strengthen the hair follicles, but also improve the metabolism.
The mask of jojoba oil and aloe juice is able to return the hair natural elasticity and prevent cross-section of their tips. To prepare it, you have a small amount of jojoba oil mixed with the same volume of aloe juice, warm the mixture and, having put on the hair, warm plastic bag. Procedure is useful to do once in 7 days.
Strengthen the hair follicle will help nourishing mask on the basis of aloe juice. Take a pair of fleshy leaves of the plant, crush them and mix with honey, castor oil, brandy and one egg yolk. Rub mixture into the hair, cover with a plastic bag, insulated with a handkerchief and hold for two hours. Rinse the mask using warm water. If your hair were a bit greasy, should wash your hair with shampoo and rinse with water and vinegar. Mask desirably applied once a week.
Reduce the fat content of hair can be, rubbing aloe vera into the scalp for a couple of hours before washing. It is also an effective way to get rid of dandruff and serves to strengthen the hair roots. Another mask for strengthening hair roots consists of lemon juice, aloe juice and burdock or castor oil. It is necessary to take a spoonful of all components, mix and apply on hair, then put on a plastic cap and hold the mask on his head for half an hour.
Improve the over-dried and bleached hair can be, rubbing a mixture of honey, aloe juice and burdock oil for half an hour before washing your hair. Rinse hair should be using the infusion of chamomile or nettle. This mask experts recommend the use of permed.
If you prepare a tincture of aloe and rub it before washing the head a couple of times a week, you can strengthen your hair and return them to their former beauty. Mix half a liter of wine and half a cup of aloe juice. You can use the tincture three days after its preparation.