1. Do not neglect wearing headgear. He is not only able to protect you from the cold, but also protects the hair from exposure to cold. Also, do not go outside with a wet head.
2. Our Russian winter is characterized by constant changes in temperature, which adversely affects the hair. So try this time not to experiment with hairstyles, hair because without it goes. All fantasies with irons and hair color change is better to postpone until spring.
3. Wash your hair in the winter to be in the cool water, as hot water contributes to their fragility. Avoid or use the minimum winter hair dryer, curling iron and pad. Use a comb only from natural materials. They not only do not harm the hair, but also have the effect of combing massage, improving blood circulation in the scalp that has a positive effect on the life of the hair.
4. After shampooing, use a hair mask purchased in the pro shop or home-cooked.
5. To make the hair look healthy and well-groomed, you need to fully fed. In winter, always in your diet should include fruits and vegetables. They are useful not only for the hair, but also to shape.
6. In addition, do not forget to take calcium and multivitamins.