Folk remedies for hair loss are different masks, conditioners, balms. All this is not difficult to prepare, using their own means at hand.
Effectively helps prevent hair loss rubbing aloe juice into the scalp. You can also use an ointment from burdock root, which is easy to prepare. To do this you need to take burdock root and boil in normal water for 1 hour. To 1 cup of water accounts for 20 grams of raw materials. Then strain the infusion and pour into a separate bowl. Take 100 grams of suet and warm up with a decoction obtained in a water bath until smooth. Then, pour the mixture into the pot or other fireproof dish, cover and place in the oven for an hour. When the cream is ready, drain the remaining water and lubricate the scalp received funds for an hour before washing your hair.
You can make a mask of egg yolks and butter. To do this, take 2 egg yolks and grind them with 50 ml of vegetable oil. Apply on the scalp for 45 minutes, then rinse with water.
Excellent strengthens hair follicles colorless henna, which is recommended for strong hair loss. Also helps strengthen hair mask of 1 tablespoon of brandy and 2 tablespoons vegetable or burdock oil with 1 egg. Apply the mixture on your head at night and wrap a towel. Wash off with shampoo.
It is also well before every wash head applied to the skin following composition: 2 tablespoons of alcohol, and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, then wash off with shampoo. The procedure carried out for two weeks. Then take a break for 10 days and repeat the course again.
Recommend to boil 1 liter of water and cooled to 40-55 degrees Celsius. Then add 50 grams of honey and stir. Apply this composition on the head for 10-14 days each time before washing the head. Such a good balm strengthens and prevents hair loss.
Some people are good at helping mayonnaise and yogurt. To do this, apply the product to the hair, put on a top film and a towel to hide. Leave overnight and wash off with shampoo.
Good help solve the problem of a compress of herbs. Why take the grass mother and stepmother, chamomile, sage, nettle and oregano, mix them in equal proportions. Then take a tablespoon of the mixture obtained and put into a glass. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and let stand 40 minutes, drain. Take 50 grams of black bread and mix until a homogeneous slurry with a solution. This compress should be applied to the scalp and massaged with a towel on top to hide for 2 hours. Rinse with plain water without using shampoo.
Effective remedy for hair loss is considered the onion and garlic paste. To do this, 1 head of onions or garlic cleaned of scales and grate. Rub mixture into the scalp for an hour before washing your hair. Wash off with shampoo.