Nourishing Hair Mask of the tincture of red pepper
Prepare this wonderful mixture as follows: egg yolk combined with 1 tablespoon fresh onion juice, 2 tablespoons pepper tincture, 1 tsp natural honey and 1 tsp burdock or castor oil. After all the ingredients should be mixed and slightly warmed mixture (better to do it in a water bath). The formulation is then rubbed into the scalp, cover the top of your head plastic bag and wrapped a towel. Through 65-75 minutes wash facility using shampoo and hair balm. Treatments with this hair mask pepper recommend doing one or two times a week.
To be most effective cosmetic mixture can be enriched with 1 tablespoon cognac, not only take 1 teaspoon and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.
Mask for hair growth with red pepper
The recipe of this delectable hair mask with red pepper is: take 1 tbsp ground red pepper and mixed with 4 tablespoons honey (it is better to melt, and then cool). The resulting mixture is coated scalp, and on top of his head put on a rubber cap and wrap up her terry towel dry. After 33-36 minutes the mask of red pepper for hair growth need to rinse. This procedure should be repeated twice a week.
If you regularly make such a mask, for two months, the hair grows back at 6 cm.
Mask-based tincture of red pepper hair loss
Should mix 1 tbsp colorless henna with 1 tablespoon tincture of red pepper. After burning, add a "cocktail" a little warm water (water can be replaced by yogurt or kefir) and apply a composition prepared for basal system. Leave the mixture for 1, 5-2 hours and rinse. Frequency of use of the cosmetic product - once a week.
Masks, which is present in the composition of the tincture of red pepper, should only be applied to the scalp. On curls it means not applied.
Burdock oil with red pepper hair - a means of accelerating growth curls
Recipe cosmetic mixture is as follows: 1 tbsp slightly warmed burdock oil should be mixed with 1 tablespoon hair balm and 1 tbsp pharmacy tincture of red pepper. Carefully apply a "cocktail" on the scalp, after 13-17 minutes, rinse. This mask enhances blood flow, so it is possible burning.