Saving the hair from the cold

Saving the hair from the cold
 Cold, snow and wind are the main enemies of hair in autumn and winter, because they can deprive them of moisture. To maintain the structure of the hair, it is necessary to protect it from external influences.
 Winter temperature extremes have a negative effect on the hair structure, after all physiological processes is difficult to adjust, if the street is -20 ° C and + 20 ° C in the room. Hair is not enough food and moisture, so in the winter it is necessary to use a mild shampoo and at least once a week to do a hydrating mask. Contact the person and pick up with the help of hair conditioner, which is used after shampooing.

One of the most popular tools used in the winter, is a hair mask, which included yolk, aloe juice (1 tsp), and low-fat cream (1 tablespoon). This mask is applied for about 20 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water.

Trichologists advised in winter twice a week to make a mask out of sea buckthorn or burdock oil. It is applied to clean skin on the head, rather than dirty hair, as is done for other masks. Oil should be held on the head for about 10-15 minutes and shampoo wash it.

Walk in the winter without a hat is bad, everyone knows from childhood. But it is bad also, if the cap is too warm, and the scalp beneath it overheats. If you have the nature of thick hair, then you can walk without a hat and a temperature of -5 ° C. Up to -10 reasonable wear beret, cap, scarf or hood. When the temperature drops to -15 ° C, it is worth thinking about wool knitted hat or baseball cap insulated. On cold days, when the temperature can reach -20 ° C, can not do without a woolen scarf, warm wool cap with ears or fur hat. In extreme cold it is necessary to wear the warmest hat, which you have.

Beauty hair depends not only on external protection and cosmetics. It is important that the body, in the absence of sunlight produces vitamin D. absence winter milk, butter, egg yolks and legumes can lead to the fact that vitamin D is not generated, and the hairs will fall out. So make sure that these products have been on your desk. But the sweet, smoked and fats can be eliminated. It is better to eat more fish and poultry, fresh herbs, and vegetables and fruits.

Tags: hair mask, care