How to protect your hair in winter

How to protect your hair in winter
 Winter hair fade, become brittle, electrified faster, can often be observed hair loss. The underlying cause of these diseases - the lack of nutrients and vitamins, dry air, sudden changes in temperature.

If you want to see your hair shiny and healthy, then pay close attention to your diet. Hair vital vitamins A, C and E. Vitamin A is responsible for hair growth, Vitamin C is responsible for their freshness, vitamin E, give your hair a healthy shine. That is why it is so useful in winter to eat fruits and vegetables.

To hair is not broke, they need the calcium in cottage cheese, figs, grapes, dairy products. A zinc contained in fish, meat, carrots, peas, nuts and prevents hair loss. The latter may also be provoked and iodine deficiency contained in algae and fish.

Thus, if you want your hair even in the winter look perfect in your diet should include: poultry, eggs, seafood, lean meat, oatmeal, low-fat yogurt, seaweed, nuts, vegetable oil, sunflower seeds and bread from wholemeal . Do not forget about the fruits and vegetables.

Nourishing hair mask once a week excellent protection even the longest hair of changes in temperature and dry air

1) Honey mask. In order to make honey mask, mix gently teaspoon castor oil, and egg yolk one teaspoon of honey. Grind the mixture, then apply it to the hair. Then wrap your head polyethylene and towel. After that, leave the mask on for half an hour and thoroughly rinse your hair.
2) Yeast mask. Spread the yogurt in equal proportions, and nutritional yeast. The resulting mixture color should be similar to the liquid slurry. Then rub the mask into the hair and leave it for half an hour. Rinse with cool water.
3) Cognac mask. Mash yolks with one tablespoon of brandy and olive oil. Apply the mixture on your hair and leave it for half an hour. Then rinse with cold water.

In addition, the winter is not recommended to wash your hair with hot water, walk without a hat, use plastic comb.

Tags: hair mask, hair loss