How to make a hairstyle for short hair

How to make a hairstyle for short hair
 Butch is very convenient and practical, since it does not require complex care, in contrast to the long hair. Owners of short hair can afford any image - romantic, sports or business.  
 Hair styling is very important: it can significantly improve the appearance of women, making it unique, to emphasize the selected style clothing. Short haircuts are becoming increasingly popular because of easy maintenance and practicality. On most of these hair stylish look hairstyle with bright isolated occipital area. Such stacking can be easily done at home without making much effort.

Wash your hair, towel dry thoroughly. Apply to hair styling usual means - mousse, foam, gel or wax. It is important not to overdo it, using only as much money as stated in the instructions, or risk being "heavier" styling, make hair greasy.

Take the average curlers and screw the lock by lock. Screw locks should be the same width with hair curlers. Too thick strands will be a long time to dry.

Dry your hair with a hair dryer and carefully remove the curlers. Begin to tease the hair at the roots. For this you need a comb with frequent teeth. Short and fast movements nacheshite one strand after another, moving from the middle to comb the hair roots. Leave tips intact, they still need to maksirovki fleece. If you need to keep packing as long as possible, then fix each strand varnish strong fixation.

Lower backcombed and smooth strands using a brush-trehryadku. Try not to break the pomp, proceed with extreme caution, the only way you can get the bulk head.

Form a separate locks on the occipital area with your fingers (which is first necessary to apply the wax). Pull forward strand in the temporal area. They liven up your hairstyle.

Proceed with laying the temporal and parietal areas. Direction of hair - at your discretion, it is only important to make sure that they do not come out for parting, separating the parietal and occipital part. Secure the resulting hair with hair spray.

Keep in mind that there are many variations of this hairstyle, which in each case, look differently. You can not use hair curlers, do hairdryer and brush. You can straighten whiskey, making them longer on the general background and then hair will already be in the style of "vamp". Be creative, using as a basis the described technique, and you get a lot of options for stylish hairstyles for short hair.

Tags: hair, hairstyle, styling