Hot hair. Often it is called in English or Italian buildup. During this procedure, a special capsule with the adhesive composition is compressed and "melted" hot tongs, fixing the "new" donor hair at the roots. Best results are achieved with natural, specially treated hair - they look very natural, and their smoothness avoids tangling.
FOR. Elena: "Six months ago, I went to the corporate English language courses abroad and managed to make a hot hair for a few days before the aircraft. Three months Italian guys in my group are constantly complimenting my gorgeous "mane", not even knowing about its origins. "
VERSUS. Olga: "I do not really like the procedure itself - after the" moxibustion "my thin hair become dry and brittle, and because of the fact that the master was in a hurry, in a couple of places she accidentally prizhgla scalp."
Ultrasonic hair extension. The principal difference between this procedure from the previous one - is that instead of the temperature influence on the tiny keratin capsules directed ultrasound waves. Reaching the hard surface keratin, they are converted into heat energy and melt adhesive, allowing you to securely attach the new hair strands.
FOR. Oksana: "A pleasant surprise was the fact that the procedure lasted a little longer, a little longer and a half hours, during which the master of building up the hair is very thin, almost weightless strands. Still very pleased that there was absolutely no discomfort, and the next day were easily hair styling. "
VERSUS. Vic: "This way I tried for the first time and, frankly, the result disappointed me a little - perhaps I expected more, bribed phrases from advertising leaflets that this method elite. In fact, the result on my hair looked exactly the same as after the cheap procedures and fixing the place looked like a little stuck together strands. "
Cold hair extension. Sometimes it is called Spanish. For fixing the hair using a special glue or, as an alternative - a tiny metal or plastic beads. Color or adhesive beads can be selected depending on the color of hair, minimizing the feeling of "artificiality" hairstyles.
FOR. Galina Vadimovna: "Frankly, agreed to a procedure with some apprehension, feeling afraid of something stranger and stranger. In fact, everything was much nicer - no hair loss, you can use the usual shampoos and masks and even goes to the Roman steam bath. "
VERSUS. Irina: "I built up a very long hair, maybe that's why I do not really like the result. Firstly, we had to get used to the fact that comb beads clung to the same at first there was a feeling of tightness of the scalp. "