The use of essential oils in hair care

The use of essential oils in hair care
 Beautiful and healthy hair is always a source of pride for women. Archaeological excavations in ancient Egypt told about the facts of the application aromakosmetiki in that distant time. The use of essential oils in hair care - is a direct path to the return of natural beauty and strength.
 The appearance of hair, their natural beauty often suffer from such manipulations as perming, coloring, straightening, use wax, varnish and gel as well as the negative effects of the environment. Simple treatments for hair with oils give proof positive results. The most effective and affordable considered rinsing aromaraschesyvanie, the use of masks and aromatherapy.

Aromaraschesyvanie increases blood flow to the scalp, thus speeding up the process of regeneration. For the procedure, take a comb made of wood and spread over it a few drops of oil, comb the hair for about ten minutes. At the regular conduct of this procedure strengthens hair roots and accelerates their growth, locks are bulky and obedient, there is a natural shine.

For rinsing procedure, take a liter of warm boiled water and add the ten drops of oil, suitable for the type of hair, then mix the solution, rinse them hair. Constant care makes hair lush, strong, thick and shiny. Beauticians recommend rinsing and brushing use pine oil, ylang-ylang, chamomile, myrrh and sandalwood.

Aroma scalp should be performed using a mixture of oil, which contains essential oils based on individual problems, and hair type. Initially, hair comb brush in all directions. Stroking and then rub the scalp, forehead, temple and back of the neck oil. Aroma shown for dandruff, hair loss, as well as headaches.

Mask with essential oils intensively nourish and regenerate hair. A means of preparing the basics and essential oil (at a ratio of 2 tablespoons bases add 5 drops of essential oil). The solution was first heat in a water bath, rub into the scalp and distribute through hair. Put bannuyu cap, and top dress the head with a towel. Keep the mask on your head for at least an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo. The use of masks makes hair healthy and soft, and they do not quickly salted. For the treatment of hair mask is applied every other day for two weeks, as a prevention - twice a month.

For normal hair for a basic framework take apricot kernel oil or sweet almond essential oil - lavender, lemon, rosewood. For oily hair base - jojoba or grapeseed essential oil - frankincense, bergamot, thyme. For dry hair base - olive oil or wheat germ oil, essential oil - mandarin, ylang-ylang, rose and orange.

Hair care beauticians recommend to use natural basis for masks and shampooing: egg yolks, yogurt, brown bread, and add essential oils that make the procedure more useful and enjoyable. Dandruff with Base pine oil, rosemary and eucalyptus, with hair loss - cedar oil, chamomile, cinnamon, sandalwood and pepper, to strengthen the hair - oil of orange, mandarin, incense and pine.

Tags: hair oil, mask, care, use of