When the hair is mercilessly leaving the head and mercilessly flogged, once a week should do the following mask suitable for all hair types. Take 1 egg yolk, mix until smooth it with 2 tablespoons mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons honey and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Apply the mask on the entire length of the strands, massage and wrap the hair roots polyethylene top Insulate towel. Mask to keep an hour, then wash your hair with shampoo.
Dry hair come to life and gain a healthy glow under the action of vitamin mask. Pour 1, 5 cups of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2 hours following composition: 1 part herb psyllium 1 part nettle 1 part chamomile. Ready infusion to filter and soften it a crumb of rye bread. The finished bread mush need to put on hair, put them away under the polyethylene and warm head cap or towel. An hour later, the mask wash off with water.
Firming Mask for oily hair consists of 4 tablespoons brandy and 2 egg yolks, they need to mix well and put on clean tresses and scalp, wrap your hair with a towel and polyethylene. Wash off the mask after 25 minutes.
Strengthen the hair of all types can be a mixture of 1st.l. carrot juice, 2 tablespoons lemon juice and a cup of broth peppermint. Rub it means you need to clean damp hair and scalp for 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Will help strengthen your nails gelatin mask. Dissolve 2 teaspoons gelatin 0, 5 cups of warm water and leave it to swell. The swollen gelatin warm up, but do not let it boil. Cooled to room temperature, the mixture must be poured into a wide cup where lower fingers 20 minutes. For visible results you must do 8-10 procedures, with a frequency of 2 per week.
Improve brittle nails to help bath of a small amount of warm olive oil in which you want to add a few drops of vitamin A. The fingertips should be placed in oil for 15 minutes, then wet them with a napkin and a massage of the skin around the nails. Nourish your nails oil bath 2 times a week and you get shiny and strong nails.