Hot chocolate on my mother's recipe

 Recently, I caught myself thinking that modern humans somehow atrophied concept of "family tradition". Maybe I'm wrong, but as an example of some of his relatives and friends see that after all my arguments are taking place. But today I do not know.

I wanted to reflect on what kind of a family tradition could think of myself to my children, the children of my children, and so forth wanted to support it. It is clear that reflect I went to the kitchen, and I was immediately struck by the idea to reduce the "search area" traditions to single - cooking.

In my early childhood, every Saturday morning began with the aroma of pancakes, which crept under the door of my room and climbed meeedlenno so sleepy in my nose. Waking up was a bit lazy - I knew that behind this fragrance should follow another, hearing that my body would make me get out of bed. Through a pleasant slumber could hear my mother set aside pancake pan aside and begins to cook the world's best hot chocolate. And then I could not stand! Its delicate flavor of warm, flowing around the house, enveloped all around. Think of something else was simply impossible! It seemed that my mother's pancakes Saturday and wonderful hot chocolate - the best that could be tedious to me after school everyday.
Reminiscing, I concluded that it would be foolish not to revive the great tradition in their own family. Pancake recipe I have - small car and truck, but the hot chocolate is more difficult. I would like to recreate exactly the flavor and texture, but neither drink of what I tried to cook, does not look like what you want. Decided to make it easier - called my mother and asked her for the recipe. After a brief search of the old notebook, she dictated to me. Today, I'll share it with you :)
So, for the home of hot chocolate will need:
  • Article 1/3 of unsweetened cocoa powder;
  • 3, 5 tablespoons of warm milk;
  • Article 3/4 of ordinary sugar;
  • 1 small pinch of salt;
  • 1/3 cup boiling water;
  • 3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract;
  • 0, 5 cups of whipping cream.
Hot chocolate on my mother's recipe
Mix the cocoa, sugar and a pinch of salt in a saucepan. Carefully pour in 1/3 cup boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil easy, do not forget to stir it a whisk. Boil the mixture on low heat for a couple of minutes, as long as the liquid in the pan did not reach rapid boiling!
Hot chocolate on my mother's recipe
Then pour in 3, 5 cups of warm milk (pobespokoytes its warming up in advance) in the pan to the chocolate-water mixture, stir until smooth and continue to heat the next drink. In no case do not bring the contents of the pan to a boil.
Hot chocolate on my mother's recipe
Remove the hot chocolate from the heat, add the vanilla extract. If not, I advise you to add a little vanilla sugar or vanilla pod piece (do not forget to remove it later).
Hot chocolate on my mother's recipe
Pour the hot chocolate mugs, add whipped cream and serve it soon!
Hot chocolate on my mother's recipe
If desired, sprinkle the top of the drink cocoa powder, grated chocolate, crushed nuts, add marshmallow or decorate cinnamon stick.
* In the original hot chocolate to be a little sharp, it adds chili. If you are a lover of acute - highly recommend.