Gentleman treats!

 The bartender told Sergey Moscow restaurant, cocktails from some girl behind the bar especially noisy laugh and start to dance. Ladies, we decided to stay at home on March 8, recipes for you Neskuchniy party!

Let's start with a light Italian cocktails "spritz" that cool drink in Venice, somewhere on the outskirts of the Piazza San Marco. However, in the home living room so in good company girlfriends is not worse. Sergei says that for the preparation of the drink he uses:

  • 50 ml aperitif "Aperol";
  • 75 ml of Prosecco (Italian sparkling dry wine);
  • 25 ml of soda;
  • ice;
  • slice of orange for decoration.

Gentleman treats!

Gentleman treats!

Fill a glass of wine (volume 0, 3-0, 4 liters) with ice, pour Aperol, prosecco and then add soda and stir gently. Garnish with a slice of orange, putting it inside the glass.«Try to sit at home after»- Sergey threatened.

Gentleman treats!

Cocktail "spritz"

The second cocktail from which promises Sergei, Women's Day blossom special colors - sangria. This Spanish srednealkogolny based drink red wine with the addition of pieces of fruit and a small amount of distilled spirits.

Preferably cook large portions. For the preparation you need:

  • 1 bottle of dry red wine;
  • 1 orange;
  • 1 apple;
  • a few strawberries;
  • 50-100 ml of distilled spirits (vodka, rum, brandy, gin - it all depends on your preference);
  • sugar syrup (prepare yourself using the ratio: 1 kg of sugar at 0, 7 liters of water);
  • soda;
  • ice.

Gentleman treats!

So looks ready Sangria

Take the carafe, cut fruits and berries, ice fall asleep, pour the wine, add liquor, sugar syrup to taste and add soda. Can be used at once, but you can put in the fridge for a day (if you need to do without ice) to present sangria.

Gentleman treats!

It looks like the savior of our house party Sergey Gervasi, who wants all the girls to love themselves and hope for the best.

Gentleman treats!

Editorial JustLady joins congratulations and, in turn, promises to inspire this spring their beautiful readers. Yay!