Curry flavored Maghreb

 I know many people who are very fond of beans, but prepare them not so often for one simple reason - their "post-effect". And for good reason. I do not need to talk about what are the nutritional value of beans, vitamins and what elements they are rich, and how these plain-looking plants can be replaced in the human diet protein foods of animal origin.

Disclaimer of useful product I think it inappropriate, and generally weak can imagine pea soup with smoked without peas, lentil soup lentils or without lobio without beans. Because stupidity, is not it? Do not have to deprive yourself of the joys of life - they have not so much. You can just choose a few legume species that do not cause discomfort, and only cook them. You can always find a way out, the main thing to listen to your own body. Culinary "Symphony" so good that "notes" it "interchangeable" - the result can always be ten times better than expected.

Legume I prefer to cook chickpeas (also called Turkish or garbanzo beans). His love in the Middle East and the Maghreb love even more. Peas perfectly with spices, meat (especially lamb), tomatoes, herbs and roots. Chickpeas can be not only complement but also a major component - whether it's warm or cold salad, snack or a full meal consisting only of vegetables.

I want to share with you a recipe for a spicy and warming dish - curry with chickpeas. It seemed to me that this dish is perfectly suited for the fall menu, when you want something warm, fragrant, and at the same time satisfying. There are many dishes in the kitchen of the Maghreb, each of which is filled to the brim with a dizzying aromas of spices and seasonings, warms the body and soul.

The main element of spicy curry with chickpeas - it myself chickpeas. You can use canned chickpeas, but if none exists in your bins - Take an ordinary dried chickpeas (you can find in the store and on the market) and boil it. Just do not forget to soak it in cold water overnight - chickpeas will increase in size and will be ready for heat treatment. Then drain and fill it with new cold water and place over medium heat. When the water comes to a boil, reduce heat and simmer until tender chickpeas. Total cooking time chickpea - about two hours. Salt is necessary to add 30 minutes before end of cooking, but not before - it prevents softening peas. Monitor the cooking process - chickpeas can digest. Back to our meal.

For a spicy curry with chickpeas will need:

  • Chickpeas (canned or boiled) - 500 g;
  • Tomatoes in own juice and peeled - 700 g;
  • Green apples (Granny Smith varieties or Semirenko) - 2 pcs;
  • Onions - 1 pc;
  • Garlic - 3-4 cloves (like witty - put more garlic);
  • Grated on a fine grater ginger root - 1-1, 5, Art. L .;
  • Olive oil Extra virgin - 1 tbsp. L .;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. L .;
  • Chopped cilantro or parsley - 0, 5 tablespoons;
  • Natural unsweetened yogurt - 200 g;
  • Curry powder - 5 hours. L.

Take the onions, peel it from the skins and cut into thin half-rings. Garlic cloves finely chop broad knife, or skip through the press (I prefer chop - so saved all the flavor and aroma). Wash apples carefully with a sharp knife, remove the core and clean the rough skin. Cut the apples into small segments, each of which is cut into two or three parts.

If you are using canned chickpeas for curry, you need to merge with a liquid, rinse with boiled water and allow to dry (I do this with a fine sieve). If a dish of boiled chickpeas will advance prepare it the way I described above. Be sure to drain the water in which the cooked peas - it will not be needed.

Take a large skillet or frying pan with a thick bottom, heat it a tablespoon of olive oil. Add the curry powder in oil and warm it over medium heat for just a minute. Add the curry chopped onion, chopped garlic and grated ginger root. Fry over medium heat all a couple of minutes.

Medium-sized chop with a knife and washed obsushennuyu coriander or parsley, add it to the fried vegetables. There also add sliced ​​apples, tomatoes in their own juice and prepared chickpeas. Cover the skillet / pan with a lid and simmer for 40 minutes curry 5-7 minutes until tender, remove the lid and let the excess liquid to evaporate - dish should thicken slightly.

Remove spicy curry with chickpeas from heat, pour into it the lemon juice and stir. Before serving in the dish you want to add a glass of yogurt and mix gently. Those who do not like yogurt, can do without it - the taste of curry is more spicy and bright.

I often cook this dish for my friends: they eat it in any form and quantity. By the way, curry goes well with dry white wines such as Pinot Grigio or Sauvignon Blanc, which is already automatically turns it into a dish suitable for a family dinner, and for a larger celebration. Holiday with a taste of the Maghreb.